Video Telling
Jamie Keddie, Spain
One year ago, my 'Videotelling' crowdfunding campaign came to a close. Doesn't time fly! Thanks to many of you who got involved, it was a runaway success.
Today, I am very happy to be able to show you a picture of the finished product.
What do you think of that then? Isn't that the most beautiful book cover you have seen all week? I have to thank designer Edward Bettison for that. And if you think the cover is cool, just wait to see inside!
The book was initially to be launched in Spring 2016. But this has been a huge project. It has involved a team of editors, designers, an illustrator, a proofreader, and a project manager. It has been incredibly hard work but it has been 100% worth it. This is the product that I always wanted to create.
The book contains over 40 stories, each of which is based on the narrative of an online video. Each story is accompanied with suggestions for tasks, activities, and other ideas for the classroom. There are 35 illustrations by the talented Danny Butcher. And everything is structured into 5 chapters followed by some very juicy appendices.
So, what's next?
Well, on Monday 19th December, I will be making the ebook available to the crowdfunding campaign backers who opted for that perk. For backers that chose the signed paperback, that will be going out afterwards.
Right now, I am finalizing things with sales platforms and distributors. As soon as that is done, I'll announce the official commercial launch date of the ebook, with the paperback to follow.
I would like to invite you to the official Videotelling launch webinar (date to be confirmed) and also offer you a 10% discount on the price of the ebook.
Please check the Practical Uses of Technology in the Classroom course at Pilgrims website.
Please check the Practical Uses of Mobile Technology in the Classroom course at Pilgrims website.
Please check the Creative Methodology for the Classroom course at Pilgrims website.