Smell it!
- to guess through the smell, the flavour of the sweets.
- to develop students' olfactory sense.
- to practice the Focus Language: * Smell it!
* What flavour is it?
* What colour is it? (Variation)
- vocabulary: Sweet flavours.
Materials: - a tray
- a blind fold.
- flavoured sweets: Flavour X Colour :
grape - purple.
coffee - black.
mint - green.
banana (buballoo) - yellow.
strawberry - red.
milk - white.
orange - orange.
chocolate - brown.
To play: " Have students sit in a circle or in a line facing a main table or desk with a tray of coloured sweets.
- Ask one student to be the first volunteer and start the game using the following focus language:
_ Close your eyes! (blind fold the student)
_ Smell it!
_ What flavour is it?
- Tell the students to repeat after you and then let them use the focus language over and over again.
- Give the opportunity to all the students.
Taste it! 
Purpose: - through the gustatory sense let the students memorize new vocabulary learnt.
- to practice the focus language: I like … (colours).
- speech skill.
Materials: - a tray of confectionary.
To Play: " Have students in their chairs.
- One student at a time comes to the front of the class, where everybody can watch him / her.
- The student gives his / her "speech", gets two confectionary and eats them.
- Everyone is encouraged to participate. Be sure they will do it! "yummy… yummy..."
Catch it if you can 
Purpose: - to develop students' fast-thinking and movement skills.
Material: " balloons
-ictures of animals (if necessary)
To Play: - Students stand in a circle.
- Each student is assigned an animal.
- The balloon is thrown high into the air in the centre of the circle.
- A student's animal name is called out (e.g. "fish")
- This student must run and hit the balloon back up in the air before it reaches the ground. This student calls out another animal, and the student that is the animal called does the same.
Mr. Crocodile
Purpose: - to develop listening comprehension, imagination and fast thinking.
- to practise previous vocabulary / structure.
Materials: - A puppet of a crocodile.
To play: - This activity should be played outside.
Teacher draws two lines on the floor to create an imaginary river and explains to students this is where the crocodile lives.
All the students keep on one side of the river bank and ask the crocodile for permission to cross the river saying "Mr. Crocodile can we cross the river?".
Mr. Crocodile sets a rule saying: Only if you have / are wearing a jacket (or a colour, what-ever the teacher wants to consolidate).
The ones who conform to the rule, can cross the river without hindrance.
The others have to try to sneak across without being tagged by the crocodile. Each time the rule can be changed according to the Mr. Crocodile's choice.
The first child who is tagged, changes places with Mr. Crocodile and continues the game.
- Each student goes into a small circle.
- Teacher starts being the leader goes to the middle of the big circle and gives a command: e.g. "jump!"
- Students have to perform it repeating: "I can jump".
- When teacher says "stop", students must try to reach another circle, while the leader tries to reach one.
- The child who cannot get into another circle is the next leader.
I can do it! 
Purpose: - to develop large motor coordination skills / to reinforce the structure "I can + abilities".
Materials: - a chalk or hulla hoops.
To play: " Teacher has to make a big circle on the floor formed by small circles which can be hulla hoops or just drawings, as the following:
Storytelling + Song 
Purpose: "to develop imagination through listening / to consolidate vocabulary / to introduce a traditional song.
Materials: " pictures of nature and a character (each one on a stick)
To play:
"First Step: Teacher introduces the vocabulary through a story which has the following song included:
"Rain, Rain
Go away
Come again
Another day
Little (Character)
Wants to play
Rain, rain go away!"
"Second Step: Each student receives a stick (according to their choice). Teacher retells the story and each time that a word from the vocabulary is said, the child who has the stick, must put it up. Everybody sings the song.
"Third Step: Teacher retells the story one more time, but now with children's help.
Purpose: - to reinforce previously learnt vocabulary.
- to practice specific language structures.
- to develop physical skills.
To play: " choose one student to be the "monkey".
- have the other students standing in a line in front of the "monkey".
- tell students to choose one word from the vocabulary being practised. (e.g. places)
- students ask: "Monkey, where are you?"
- the "monkey" must say, "At the ... ?"
- if the "monkey" does not guess the place, students answer: "No!"
- if the "monkey" guesses the place students answer: "Yes!" and the "monkey" has to run after the students and try to catch one of them.
- if a student is caught he/she is the next to be the "monkey".
Pop the Bubbles 
Purpose: - to practice categories of words, alphabet, numbers.
- to develop students fast thinking and build their hand / eye coordination.
Material: - Bubbles maker.
To play: -Students take turns to say a word from the selected category and pop a bubble.
Purpose: - to practice specific language structure (e.g. "How old are you?" in this example)
- to develop students movement skills.
- to develop fast thinking.
To play:
- choose one student to be the "wolf".
- have the other students standing in a line some 10 to 15 steps away from the "wolf".
- students ask: "Wolf, how old are you?"
- the "wolf" answers: "I am ... years old.".
- students take as many steps towards the "wolf" according to how old the "wolf" says he/she is.
- when the "wolf" says "I am old enough to catch you!", he/she runs after the students and tries to catch them.
- if a student is caught he/she is the next to be the "wolf".
Please check the Multiple Intelligences for the Primary Classroom course at Pilgrims website.
Please check the The Methodology and Language for Primary Teachers course at Pilgrims website.
Please check the The Creative Teacher course at Pilgrims website.