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Pilgrims 2005 Teacher Training Courses - Read More
Humanising Language Teaching
Humanising Language Teaching
Humanising Language Teaching

Editorial: we have received the reviews from The Teacher Training Journal edited by Tessa Woodward. Thank you.


How to design a training course, a guide to participatory curriculum development
Peter Taylor (2003) Continuum/VSO
ISBN 0-8264-5695-2.
Written to help development professionals to analyse situations and needs, develop, deliver and evaluate training courses, all by involving potential participants and stakeholders. Practical with lively examples drawn from e.g. forestry education, rural hygiene courses and nurse training.

Short courses and workshops
Jennifer Moon (2001) Kogan Page
ISBN 0-7494-3266-7.
This books aims to ensure that learning from short courses and workshops is used after the course and impacts on and informs the participants' practice. It thus describes how this concern can be addressed all the way from course development to evaluation activities.

75 ways of working with groups to develop their training skills
Sharon Bartram & Brenda Gibson (2001) Gower
ISBN 0-566-08414-7.
An A4 looseleaf ring binder containing practical recipes for opening courses, analysing needs, thinking about learning, communication, preparing to train, delivery and evaluation of training courses . Nicely cross indexed with room for reader's notes.

Methodology in language teaching
Ed Jack Richards & Willy Renandya (2002) CUP
ISBN 0-521-004400-3.
A collection of 41 chapters by different authors making an anthology of current practice in areas such as teaching grammar, pronunciation, four skills, assessment, technologies. Might be useful if you want short articles to back up a course on methodology.

Developing materials for language teaching
Ed. Brian Tomlinson (2003) Continuum
ISBN 0-8264-5917-X.
This thick book aims to provide comprehensive coverage of the main aspects and issues in materials development (MD) for language learning. It was designed and written by N and NNS of English from eleven different countries and to be used as a course book on teachers' courses, on post graduate courses in applied linguistics and as food for thought for teachers, publishers and applied linguistics students. It covers: evaluation and adaptation of materials, principles and practice of MD, developing materials for target groups and specific types of materials, training in MD. Each section has a conclusion written by the editor.

Problem-based learning
Ed Peter Schwartz et al (2001) Kogan Page
ISBN 0-7494-3492-9.
Problem-based learning (PBL) is where learners encounter a problem scenario, explore their existing knowledge, form and test hypotheses, study and acquire new skills, apply these to the problem and reflect on what has been learnt. It has been used in medical, architectural, engineering and other schools. This book of case studies looks at the politics, admin and resources for PBL, the role and training of PBL teachers, acceptance by students, all by using PBL. No direct reference to ELT.

Facilitating problem-based learning
Maggi Savin-Baden (2003) Open University Press
ISBN 0-335-21054-6.
This book is designed to help lecturers make the transition to PBL (see above) facilitation. Again from a medical education background, this book helps any teacher to help students learn in contexts and with complexity. Small print.

Discussion as a way of teaching
Stephen Brookfield & Stephen Preskill (1999) Open University Press
ISBN 0-335-20161-X.
For all university and college teachers of any subject interested in experimenting with discussion methods in their classes, this book suggests how to prepare students and teachers, get discussion started, keep it going and ensure that teacher's and students' voices are balanced.

Learning strategies in foreign and second language classrooms
Ernesto Macaro (2001) Continuum
ISBN 0-8264-5135-7.
Based on research evidence, this book shows how students can learn more effectively through exploring and applying a variety of learning strategies. You will need to keep a pen handy as you read through to mine the text as, though practical, it does not spoon feed you.

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