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Humanising Language Teaching ![]() The Weakest Link Secondary and Adult by Mario Rinvolucri Level: intermediate to advanced Preparation: add another twenty questions to twenty given below. Photocopy the 40 questions so each student can be given a copy. Ask the students to bring in 10 sweets each to this class. Have a watch with a second hand with you. Aim: to offer the students snippets of listening comprehension which they have to decode and respond to fast. To have students experience the difference between listening under stress and listening in a more relaxed way. ( they relax when "eliminated" from the quiz. In class:
Note 1: Conduct the quiz is a sharp, critical way. Don't make life easy for the teams. Note 2: Some teachers of a humanistic frame of mind object to competition, as they
see this as a mean side to human nature. They emphasise collaboration. Variation : Preparing a quiz like this is quite time-consuming. Why not get one of your classes to prepare a set of quiz questions that you can then use in another of your classes? In doing this the quiz setters learn a lot more language than you will! In Lesson from the Learners, Sheelagh Deller exhorts us to stop doing " busy work" and to get the students doing it. Acknowledgement: This game is a simplified version of a UK TV quiz game called " The Weakest Link". 1. Spelling: how do you spell immigrant? 2. Grammar: What are the two past tense forms of the verb to hang? 3. Proverbs: Can you finish this well known proverb: a stitch in time saves…….. 4. Pronunciation: How do you pronounce this word : t h r o u g h? 5. Translation: Can you put this sentence into your language: I've been sitting here for over two hours. 6. Word definition: If you heard this definition what word would come to mind: – the mouth of a river comprising many different channels with mud between them. 7. Geography: Which is the longest of these two rivers, the Nile or the Amazon? 8. History: Which year did Joseph Stalin die in? 9. Number work: Suppose you heard these numbers 12, 36 and 48, what would that come to if you add them all together? 10. Pop culture: Can you think of a film and a song that had " yellow" in the title as well as the word for a special kind of boat? 11. Spelling: which way do you spell Thai when it means a person's nationality? 12. Grammar: how would you spell the plural of the word thesis? 13. Proverbs: which are the two words missing from the start of this saying: 14. What are the two pronunciations in English for this word that I am going to spell out : u s e ? 15. How would you say this in your language: better late than never? 16. What's the place in a harbour where a ship can float in and then the water can be drianed away from round it? 17. Washington is to New York as…what ….. . is to Sydney? 18. The Treaty of Westphalia ended which very long European war? 19. If you multiply 13 by 5, what do you get? 20. Which singer, from a group that makes you think of a German car, has received a knighthood? Key: 2. hanged and hung ( they must have got both) |