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Humanising Language Teaching ![]() Brain Gym® - part 2by Tom Maguire, Catalunya, Spain In Part 1 of this article we talked about the background to Brain Gym and the success stories that it has made possible in sport and education. In this article we want to give you the references and tools to enable you to try out Brain Gym for yourself. In her review of the literature on Brain Gym in a study done for Strathclyde University, Scotland, (http://www.xtec.es/~jmaguire/teachers.htm) Margaret Dunn states that Brain Gym consists of simple movements similar to the movements which in fact are natural in the first three years in life. She says we can consider it a useful tool in a classroom situation because it does not require sophisticated pieces of equipment or large areas of space. Dunn says that Levine (1987) affirms that writing is, still, an important method of learning and expressing knowledge in schools and that the motor act of writing involves a broad array of fine motor and visual-motor skills. Furthermore, Arter et al. (1996, p26) state: "No child will be able to produce the fine motor movements for writing with a pencil until he or she is able to control …….. larger movements." Likewise, Thomas (1997) noted that the Physical Education curriculum in France plays an important part in the teaching of handwriting and P.E teachers use physical activities which are closely linked to the teaching of handwriting. Rosenbaum, (1998) also suggests that studies of the development of children with disorders of motor functions afford opportunities to understand the importance of motor function to overall child development Ms. Dunn's study concludes that normal classrooms depend on activities which utilise verbal or analytical intelligence but that when a child is allowed to use the body, it encourages the brain to make use of a variety of intelligences including rhythmical and visual-spatial intelligence. Further, long-term recall also seems to be enhanced by this kind of practice. Dr. Dennison was the person who discovered the empowering effects of Brain Gym movements One of the basic references of his model is that of Laterality. This is the ability to coordinate one side of the brain with the other, especially in the visual, auditory and kinesthetic midfield, the area where the two sides overlap. The vertical midline of the body is the necessary reference for all bilateral skills and midfield coordination is fundamental to the ability to read, write and communicate. It is also essential for fluid whole-body movement and for the ability to move and think at the same time. To ensure coordination in this crucial midfield area Dennison developed The Midline Movements which help to integrate binocular vision, binaural hearing, and the left and right sides of the brain and body. Many learners beginning school are not developmentally prepared for the bilateral, two-dimensional skills of near-point work required in reading and writing, for example. Sometimes a student is coordinated for play or sports activities (which involve three-dimensional space and only demand binocular vision beyond arm's length), yet is not ready to use both eyes, ears, hands, and brain hemispheres for near-point work, such as reading, writing and other skills involving fine-motor coordination. Other students show coordination for academic skills or near-point activities, yet are not ready for whole-body coordination on the playing field. The Midline Movements enable learners to integrate fine-motor and large-motor skills. Cross-motor activities have been used to activate the brain since our understanding of laterality began over a century ago. Noted authorities such as Orton, Doman, Delacato, Kephart, and Barsch have used similar movements successfully in their learning programs. Dr. Dennison drew from his knowledge of these programmes in developing the Midline Movements series. Some of them have also been adapted from behavioural optometry activities used to increase brain-body coordination. Others are borrowed from sports, dance, or exercise programs. Others are totally unique to Edu-Kinesiology and are the innovations of Dr. Paul Dennison. Whole Brain Integration Edu-K, helps people of all ages to experience more integrated learning, body co-ordination, sports performance and daily living. The importance of movement across the midline of the body is the focus of Whole Brain used to quickly and easily correct homolaterality – the lack of left/right brain integration,. In order to read fluently and with comprehension; to write creatively; to spell and remember; to listen and think at the same time; or to perform at our athletic peak, we must be able to cross the midline which connects the left and right brain. It's interesting to note that among the population identified as "learning disabled" we find that 80% or more fall into the homolateral category. Living in a homolateral state leads to frustration and the need for extreme effort, often resulting in "acting-out" behaviours. Academic achievement is very difficult. Brain Gym® movements help repattern both brain hemispheres to work simultaneously and cooperatively, creating the smooth neural functioning that leads to emotional ease - and academic effectiveness. A recent study (Dr. Robert Eyestone, 1990) found that more than 95 percent of individuals in groups labelled as "at risk" (teen mothers, juvenile detention, ADD/ADHD, in learning disabilities classes, drug rehabilitation, alcohol support groups) were operating in a homolateral state, as compared to eight to 13 percent in random groupings. As we saw in the first part of this article dramatic changes in behaviour are seen when this homolateral state is addressed and an integrated neural state is achieved. Whole Brain Integration can help this group to join the laterally integrated population, which is able to learn with the whole brain more easily. Being integrated helps us to remain calm and alert, even in stressful situations (exams, job interviews, performances, etc.). When we are relaxed and calm we make better decisions, we feel better about ourselves, and those we interact with, and we are more productive. If you feel that Brain Gym could enable your students and would like to experiment by building Brain Gym exercises into your own classroom practice Ruth Schmid has a practical proposal. She recommends you start with the Brain Gym Mini-Menu below. For best results she advocates doing them twice each day in the order outlined below.) Water. Brain Buttons. Cross Crawl. Hook-ups Another way of introducing Brain Gym into a classroom routine is through balances. A balance is a five-step learning process that models the lesson plan most often used by effective teachers. A short balance can be completed in just minutes; a longer balance may take an hour or more. A balance involves: 1. Getting ready to learn, The final, unnumbered step is to "celebrate the new learning." This is the step of play, exploration, innovation and implementation that is essential to creative learning, yet often omitted in the classroom, where learners are pressed to begin a new task before even acknowledging the skill with which the previous one has been accomplished. There is a variety of Brain Gym movements which you can use to integrate learning through movement. The following are descriptions of how to put them into practice with indications as to the way in which they can influence your students' learning. Lazy-Eights (or Double Doodle) Thinking caps Calf pumps The Elephant Energy Yawn Positive Points Drink Water
(Thanks to Brain Gym® teacher, Evelyn Moniram RGN SCM at The Art of Health, 280 Balham High Road, London SW17 7AL. 020 8682 1800. The information of the effects on the brain were provided by Bill Tschirhart of the Canadian Curling Association based on Carla Hannaford's research) To read the article on which this piece is based, and to review updated information on Brain Gym® research, please click here. Bibliography Arter, C., McCall, S. and Bowyer, T. (1996) Handwriting and children with visual impairment. British Journal of Special Education, 23(1), p25 –29.
Brain Gym Journal. Published three times a year by the Educational Kinesiology Foundation. (http://www.BrainGym.org) ![]() |