Introducing this issue of HLT Magazine
- Fostering Language Acquisition: Task Based Lesson and Vehicular Use of FL/SL in the Italian Education System
Barbara Sinisi, Italy
- A Language Garden in the Desert: Bustan Al Qusas
David Vale, UK
- The Advantages of Learning a Dominant Language: Addressing the Integrity of Individuals
Miguel Mantero, David Backer, US
- Initiating Change Using Wiki for EAP Writing in Technology-poor Nigeria
Peter A. Aborisade, Nigeria
Portrait of an Artist submitted by Michael Berman, UK

Pilgrims English Language Courses publishes Humanising Language Teaching Magazine (HLT) on the web for language teachers and The Teacher Trainer Journal (TTTJ), a print and new for 2010, digital magazine, for those who train, teach and mentor teacher trainers. Subscribe on-line at |
- Why Is It Worth Teaching and Learning Literature Online?
Claudio de Paiva Franco, Brazil, and Arda Arikan, Turkey
- Using Creative Writing in Developing Language Proficiency
Alena Štulajterová, Slovakia
- Autorhythmy - Part 2 and Part 3
Mihály Hevesi, Hungary
- Rudolf Steiner and ELT? A Reply to Tony Cañadas’ Article
Stefan Rathert, Turkey
- Language Teachers or Communication Teachers?
Andrew Wright, Hungary
- Why Teach Music Well and Language Badly in China?
Mario Rinvolucri, Pilgrims UK
- An Overview of Business Culture Awareness Abroad
Alan Green, UK and Eberhard Oehler, Germany
- I am the Wrong Person: An Interesting English Language Game
Sasan Baleghizadeh and Elnaz Oladrostam, Iran
- Teaching Busy Adults: Balancing Upstream/Downstream Notions
Irina Khan, Russia
- General Remarks on Second Language Acquisition
Adam Borowski, Poland
- The Heart of the Matter: A Short Personal History of SLA Research and What It Has Meant to My Classroom Teaching – Part One
Lou Spaventa, US
- A Fresh Start at School - Fresh Students?
Małgorzata Oberg, Poland
- BRITALY – Some Observations
Jane Hedworth, UK
- Studying Science or Studying Humanities – Which Makes You a Better Language Learner?
Irina Dementjeva, Lithuania
Word Clouds for Chunks Hanna Kryszewska, Poland
- Halloween: Activating your Memory Through your Senses!
Lauren Damas, Portugal
- Working with Realia
Anette Kurz, Germany
- Musical Chairs
Sezgi Yalin, Cyprus
- The Furniture Experience
Danny Singh, UK
- Irregular Verbs Rods Game
Paco Francia, Spain
My life is C+ Adcharawan Buripakdi, Thailand
- QSE: A Skills-based ELT Course with Conversation, CLIL and Exam Practice
- Short Book Reviews
Hanna Kryszewska, Poland
An Old Exercise Paul Davis, UK
Skilled Helping and Feedback: a Brand New Pilgrims Course Adrian Underhill, UK
Basic Multiple Intelligences for EFL Teachers reviewed by Wayne Rimmer, Russia
- Three Trashcans
Svetlana Lavochkina, Germany
- The Enemy Within
Ibn Tyne, Saudi Arabia
- Cities: Poems from an Oxford Summer, 2008
Humanising Language Teaching webiste magazine is produced by Pilgrims in association with Intensive language courses, Sprachreisen, English in Canterbury, Regent English, Séjours linguistiques, Soggiorni linguistici, Intensive language schools, Cursos intensivos de inglés, English in Canada, English in Edinburgh, English in San Francisco, English in Bournemouth, Séjours linguistiques Suisse, Séjours linguistiques Belgique, French in Paris, English in Folkestone, English in London, English in Sydney, English in Cambridge, English in Oxford, English in Boston, English in Bristol, Spanish in Madrid