Introducing this issue of HLT Magazine
- Remembering Alan McConnell Duff. 1942-2012
joint publication
- Using Authentic Aural Materials to Identify Learning Strategies Most Frequently Used in the EFL Classroom
Leila Ghaderpanahi and Azin Rahimi, Iran
- Official Language Education in Ecuador: Exploring the Humanistic Outcome of Official Bilingual Initiatives
Miguel Mantero, US
- The Inevitability of L1 use in Chinese High School ELT Class
Ji Lingzhu, P.R. China
- An Elusive Quality: The Syllabus
Feride Hekimgil, Turkey
- Foreign Accent Problem of Non-native Teachers of English
Ali Karakaş, Turkey
English is a Crazy Language found online by Aleksandra Arceusz, Poland

Pilgrims English Language Courses publishes Humanising Language Teaching Magazine (HLT) on the web for language teachers and The Teacher Trainer Journal (TTTJ), a print and new for 2010, digital magazine, for those who train, teach and mentor teacher trainers. Subscribe on-line at |
- Enhancing Low-achieving Language Learners' Performance: Techniques and Strategies
Yaser Khajavi, Iran
- Sitcoms: a Window of Opportunity for Teaching and Learning
Marisa Mechetti and Georgina Hudson, Argentina
- Feedback: What is It Good For?
Jonathan Brown, Japan
- Integrating Visualization Techniques into English Language Teaching and Learning
Wei Lee, P.R.China
- The Inspiring Teacher
Nguyen thi Hoai An, Vietnam
- People Who Don’t Believe in the Power of Stories Should Think Again
Jayakaran Mukundan, Malaysia
- Creating a Story from Everyday Life as an Effective Tool in Language Learning
Motikala Subba Dewan, Nepal
- Multiple Intelligences and Post-reading Activities in the ESL Literature Class
Mallika V Govindarajoo, Malaysia
- What Happens When Students Do Creative Writing?
Vishnu S Rai
- Classroom as an Inspiration
Phuong thi Anh Le, Vietnam
- Language Learning Strategy (LLS) in EFL Classroom
Saeedeh Karbalaee Kamran, Iran
Walking Tall With Word Forks N. Pratheeba, India
- Using Poetry in ELT: Happiness and A Song in time of Depression
Michael Berman, UK
- How to Make Use of MS Word and PowerPoint in EFL Classes
Merve Elbirlik Tülek, Turkey
- Souls are Hungry for Songs – Feed Them! Make Feel Good Songs for Your Students
Sezgi Yalin, North Cyprus
- Integrating the Skills Using Tales of the Unexpected
Stephen Hargreaves, Belgium
- Learning Grammar Through Doggerel Verse
Simon Mumford, Turkey
Come Along for the Ride Volkan İnceçay, Turkey
- Wonders of the World
reviewed by Neil Mc Beath, Oman
- English Through Art
reviewed by Alan Maley, UK
- Winners of the Extensive Reading Foundation 2012 Language Learner Literature Awards
submitted by Philip Prowse, UK
- Short Book Reviews
Hanna Kryszewska, Poland
The Heart of the Matter - An Activity That Has Always Worked Lou Spaventa, US
- Course Outline
- Pilgrims at work…,
Iwona Grajner, Poland, Geert Groot Koerkamp, Netherlands, Ruud Giesbers, Netherlands, Agata Murzynska, Poland, Caterina Sbrana, Italy, Alex Schonewille, the Netherlands
The Book of Pronunciation Jonathan Marks, Poland, and Tim Bowen, UK
- Small World
Paul Bress, UK
- Putty (or, Delusions of a Common or Garden TEFL Teacher)
Ibn Tyne, Saudi Arabia
Humanising Language Teaching webiste magazine is produced by Pilgrims in association with Intensive language courses, Sprachreisen, English in Canterbury, Regent English, Séjours linguistiques, Soggiorni linguistici, Intensive language schools, Cursos intensivos de inglés, English in Canada, English in Edinburgh, English in San Francisco, English in Bournemouth, Séjours linguistiques Suisse, Séjours linguistiques Belgique, French in Paris, English in Folkestone, English in London, English in Sydney, English in Cambridge, English in Oxford, English in Boston, English in Bristol, Spanish in Madrid