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Humanising Language Teaching
Humanising Language Teaching

The lesson plan 'Funny Horoscope' is one of the 20 entries selected by the Trinity Lesson Plan Competition panel of judges at the TEC 2013 Conference in Hyderabad, India.

Funny Horoscope: Making Predictions and Giving Advice

Albert P’Rayan, India

Dr Albert P’Rayan teaches Technical English and English Communication Skills courses at KCG College of Technology, Chennai, India. He is also an ELT resource person and teacher trainer. His areas of interests include ESP, Technology-Integrated Language Teaching, and teacher education. He contributes a weekly column ‘English Blues’ to Edex, a higher education supplement of The New Indian Express. E-mail:

About the lesson plan
Name of lesson plan activity: Funny Horoscope: Making prediction and giving advice
Type of student group
(age/s and ability levels)
Students: Class 9 students
Age: 14-15
Ability level: B1 (Intermediate)
Materials used in class*: Sample horoscope sheet
Skills Speaking & Reading

  1. Objective of the lesson:
    At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to be familiar with and use the language of making predictions and giving advice effectively.
  2. Instructions for teaching the lesson:
    The lesson plan has four stages. Instructions for teaching the lesson are explained at each stage.
  3. Stages and timings:
    Stage 1: Introduction and Warm-up

    Time: 10 minutes
    Instructions to the teacher
    Write the word ‘horoscope’ on the board.

Have the learners answer the question: What is a horoscope?

Allow them to guess and give their answers. The students may give many different answers. Then explain the term by giving this definition. A horoscope is a prediction or forecast of future events or advice for future behavior. The forecast is made based on the signs of the zodiac.

Then ask them to give the words associated with ‘horoscope’. It is a sort of brainstorming. Write the words on the board. Some of the words could be: Aquarius, Aries, astrologer, astrological, astrology, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Sagitarius, forecast, prediction, foretelling, zodiac sign, etc.

Then have the learners answer these questions:

I. Do you have the habit of reading horoscopes? Why?
II. Do you believe in horoscopes or astrology? Why?

When the students are clear about why people read horoscopes, you can move on to the next stage.

Stage 2: Language functions of making predictions and giving advice

15 minutes

Instructions to the teacher:

Ask learners whether they have ever made predictions. Spend a minute or two allowing them to answer the question.

Then give a copy of the horoscope sheet to each student and ask them to classify the forecast into two categories: the language of making predictions, and giving advice and give the labels: Making predictions (P), and Giving advice (A).

Horoscope sheet for students

Here is the horoscope for different persons. Classify the horoscope into two categories: Prediction (P), and Advice (A).

You will visit your close relatives this week and enjoy life in a place you like the most. The company of your cousins will revive your spirits. One of your relatives might present you a new computer or play station. You will have a very successful week. You will be on top of the world. You will show interest in music and buy some music videos. You might get sick. You would better avoid taking non-vegetarian food.

One of your colleagues at the workplace will try to annoy you. The person does not like you to be popular among your colleagues. His intention is to spoil your name. You should be very careful with the person. It is a good idea to avoid him.

An amazing opportunity will arise in your school. There will surely be a tough competition. You are talented enough to win the competition. Make sure you don’t miss the opportunity.

This week someone you like very much will contact you. The interaction betweeen you and the person will be very pleasant and it will lead to a close relationship. You should not reveal it to anyone.

You may meet with a road accident this week. You should definitely not use your motorbike. It is a good idea to avoid going out.

It’ll be a week to remember. You will taste success in all your assignments. You may win the support of your bosses. One or two of your colleagues will try to find fault with you and spoil your career prospects. You should not let your secrets known to others. You should avoid arguing with your colleagues even if they try to provoke you. You may lose some of your friends. Better if you don’t give room for any explosive arguments.

You’re going to win a lottery this month. You may be tempted to invest the amount in share market. If you do so, you may lose the money. You should be careful in investing the amount.

You won’t be happy with your current job. It is time to consider a career move. You should find yourself a job that’s going to give you happiness.

Then discuss the answers with them and explain the language of making predictions and giving advice. If possible, photocopy this phrases sheet and give it to students.

Phrases Sheet for Students

Useful phrases for making predictions

Here is a list of useful phrases for the language function of forecasting or making predictions:

  • You will…
  • You are going to…
  • Surely, you will...
Useful phrases for giving advice
Here is a list of useful phrases for the language function of giving advice to someone:
  • You need to/should/must…
  • It is a good idea to…
  • My advice is…
  • You could try…
  • You should definitely…
  • I would suggest that…
  • The most important thing to do is…
  • You’d better…
  • My recommendation would be…
  • The best possible way is…
  • Make sure you don’t …

Stage 3: Using the language of making predictions and giving advice

Time: 20 minutes

Instructions to the teacher:

Give a brief introduction about the activity the students are going to have at this stage. In this activity students are going to work in small groups of three members. The names of the three members in each group are Bingo, Dingo, Lingo.

Explain the rules of the activity. In each group Bingo will give forecast to Dingo, then Dingo to Lingo and Lingo to Bingo. It should be in the form of a conversation. It could be as funny as possible. The focus should be on making predictions about the future in a funny way and giving advice. While two members are engaged in a conversation, the third member will observe them.

Let the class have a demo. Call two volunteers and ask them to roleplay Bingo and Dingo. Here is a sample conversation.

Bingo: Hi, Dingo. Nice to meet you again. How are you?
Dingo: I’m good. How about you?
Bingo: I’m good too.
Dingo: I heard that you are good at making predictions. Why don’t you predict my …?
Bingo: Your date of birth?
Dingo: 22 November
Bingo: You are a Scorpio. This week you’ll be very happy. You will make new friends. You’ll spend much time chatting with your friends online. You will get more pocket money. You may accompany your friends to a cinema. You may buy a new play station. You will get first mark in one of your favourite subjects
Dingo: Is it going to be a bright week?
Bingo: Yea, it is going to be a great week. You should also be careful. One of your friends may take advantage of your generosity and make you spend your money on parties. You should be cautious. You may meet with an accident.
Dingo: Really? I’m scared. What should I do to…?
Bingo: You’d better stay at home during the weekend. You should not..

Then divide the class into small groups of three members. Be creative in dividing the class into groups. Give them 12 minutes to do the activity.

Stage 4: Review

Time: 5 minutes

Instructions to the teacher:

Ask students to give their feedback on the different activities they had. These are a few questions that you may ask them: How useful were the activities? Which activity did you like the most and why? Which activity did you like the least and why?


Please check the Creative Methodology for the Classroom course at Pilgrims website.
Please check the Improving English through Humour course at Pilgrims website.

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