Dear HLT Readers
Welcome to the April issue of HLT. I hope you have been able to secure an EU grant to come to Pilgrims in 2014, despite the difficulties in cracking the new system. Well if not this year, then in 2015. The good news the funding is still there through the new action called Erasmus+. Check if you, your colleagues and school are eligible for a grant. The nature of the changes compared to the previous actions, the deadline and other essential information which will make your application easy and effective is available on the Pilgrims website.( See: Pilgrims News). We all hope to welcome you at Pilgrims in Canterbury. But also remember that Pilgrims trainers can come and run sessions in your school, town, region or country. To find out more about it read Pilgrims News

The MATSDA/University of Liverpool 2014 Conference
SLA and Materials Development
June 28th-29th, 2014 at the University of Liverpool
Plenary Speakers: Rod Bolitho Rod Ellis Pauline Foster Alison Mackey Alan Maley Hitomi Masuhara Brian Tomlinson
Venue: University of Liverpool. Rooms to be announced.
Registration: 08.30 on June 28th and 29th
Conference: 09.00-17.30 on June 28th; 09.00-16.30 on June 29th
Fees (to include lunch and coffee)
Students: £90 (£50 for one day), MATSDA members: £120 (£70 for one day)
Non-members: £145 (£85 for one day)
MATSDA Membership: Contact Susie Pearson at
Booking, Accommodation Enquiries and Payment
Contact Filomena Saltao ; Tel - (44) 0151 7953129
Offers of Papers
To offer a paper for a forty five minute presentation contact:
Brian Tomlinson /
Also, if you are not on the HLT free mailing list, please join it now. We will be able to send you an e-mail any time a new issue is out. Occasionally we will send you information about scholarships, grants, Pilgrims events and courses which might be of interest to you. Note you can also refer the page to a friend.
The 7th International Language Conference
‘The Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication between Cultures’
Venue: Faculty Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
Key dates:
16 May 2014 | Deadline for abstract submission |
2 June 2014 | Notification of accepted abstracts & Conference registration opens |
20 June 2014 | Deadline for registration of authors |
10 August 2014 | Deadline for full papers & payment of the conference fee for authors |
31 August 2014 | Deadline for registration & payment of the conference fee for listeners |
11 – 12 September 2014 | Conference dates |
Practitioners, researchers and postgraduate students interested in joining the discussion on current and emerging trends in foreign language teaching and learning are welcome to submit their proposals for papers (20-minute presentations) or workshops (25- or 45-minute workshops) or join the conference as a listener.
Relevant themes and topics may include but are not limited to:
- the role of languages for specific purposes in the 21st century,
- modern methods/approaches used in teaching LSP,
- LSP teaching and learning with ICT,
- the Bologna process in an LSP course,
- developing language skills in an LSP course,
- preparation of materials for LSP teaching,
- assessment and grading in an LSP course,
- domain-specific/LSP terminology,
- intercultural dimension of teaching and learning in an LSP course,
- multilingualism and LSP.
Conference fees (VAT included) |
€115 | for the first participant from one institution |
€80 | for the second participant from the same institution |
€50 | for the third and each further participant from the same institution |
Full details on the conference are published on the website
For more information, please contact:
Nataša Gajšt, MA
Faculty of Economics and Business
Razlagova 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Tel.: +386 2 22 90 225
Fax: +386 2 22 90 217
In this editorial you can find information about various upcoming conferences which may be of interest to you. It is good to see well established conferences still keep running and flourish, and that new ones appear. Unfortunately some of our favourite conferences will not run this year; neither the Portonovo LEND Conference nor the Pilgrims 40th Anniversary Conference. We hope they will run next year or in the nearest future.
If you are planning to attend IATEFL 2014 Conference in Harrogate, look out for the Pilgrims stand where you can meet and chat to many Pilgrims trainers; if you go to the DELTA stand you can find there a lot of books recently written by Pilgrims trainers. If you would like to talk about publishing in HLT please look me up at the Pilgrims stand or just look out for me.
In this issue of HLT you will find many interesting articles. I would like to highlight a few themes. Those interested in grammar may want to read: An Investigation of Grammar Problems Facing English Language Learners by Eman Elturki, To What Extent Should Explicit Grammar Teaching Techniques Be Applied In Order To Promote Implicit Learning? by Talat Bulut, Huseyin Uysal and H. Kubra Saygili, and Mnemonics for Learning Grammar, Simon Mumford, Turkey.
Announcing ETp Live!
A one-day conference packed full of practical ideas
to improve your teaching practice
Taking place on Saturday 21 June at the Holiday Inn, Brighton, ETp Live! will bring the practical approach of English Teaching professional magazine to a one-day event.
This lively conference will be packed full of great ideas to improve your teaching practice. Book your ticket now!
ETp Live! will be hosted by Editor Helena Gomm and will bring the ethos of English Teachingprofessional magazine to life, focusing on the practical aspects of English language teaching.
Throughout the day you can attend seminars and workshops, all with the aim of developing your teaching practice.
If you only attend one conference this summer, make sure it's ETp Live!
Confirmed speakers include:
Jeremy Harmer
Philip Kerr
Dennis Davy
Mark Almond
Antonia Clare
Chia Suan Chong
Mike Hogan
Seminars announced so far include:
- Creating the right impression - the politeness and pragmatics of ELF
- The brave new world of adaptive learning
- The practical uses of drama, literature and pop culture in the classroom
- Love and the art of language learning.
To book and reserve your place just click here
Articles devoted to humanism and positive classroom dynamics include: Towards Rapport, Affect and Increasingly More Humanistic Teaching by Consuela Popa, H. Kubra Saygili and S. Esra Saygili, The Power of Laughter Exercises in Learning by Danny Singh, The Magic of Ho’oponopono – or How to Find Peace Even with the Most Difficult Pupil in Your Class by Verena Flocke.
For practical ideas read: Techniques For Teaching Conversations by Thinh Le Van, Funny Horoscope: Making Predictions and Giving Advice by Albert P’Rayan, The All About Me Collage Cube by Michael Aliprandini, Back to Basics, Using Magazine Pictures with Omani Agriculture, Commerce and Media Studies Students by Neil Mcbeath, Lesson Plan for Very Young Learners by Zeineb Haider, and All Is Good In Its Season by Elena Kashina. Additionally there are two practical ideas on using ICT in class: Employ New Online Tools for the English Language Teaching by Evelina Jaleniauskiene, and Review of English Hero - Texthelp's English Language Learning Software by Chris Pim.
23 - 25 MAY 2014
This is an international conference organized jointly by IATEFL's Young Learners and Teenagers Special Interest Group (YLT SIG) and CyTEA (Cyprus Teachers of English Association).
The conference focuses on early language learning and explores the perspectives and experiences of teaching languages to very young learners of 2 to 6 years of age around the world. Plenary speakers include:
Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh
Caroline Linse, Queens University Belfast
Carol Read, Macmillan Education
Sandie Mourao, YLT SIG
Alec Williams, storyteller
We hope you will consider participating in this exciting conference.
Very best wishes
Conference organizing committee
Conference URL:
Teacher trainers will be interested in the following three articles: The Use of Team Teaching and its Effect on EFL Students' Proficiency in English by Robin Usher, A Case Study of Current Team Teaching Perspectives by Michael Okamoto, and Motivating Literature Assessment in an EFL Setting by Phuong thi Anh LE.
Finally there is a lot of information about new books which have been published recently (Short Book Reviews by Hanna Kryszewska), various publishing initiatives (Readers Letters) and books to be published: Dictionary of Second Language Teaching Techniques by George B. Patterson II and The Inner Rainbow: An illustrated history of human consciousness from Ancient India to the present day by Henk van Oort, the Netherlands.
Enjoy the April issue
Hania Kryszewska
HLT editor