To allow you to choose how to view the articles, we have prepared them in two formats.
The first format allows you to view the articles online as web pages. The second format (rich text format) allows you to download and
save the articles to your computer and then view them with your own word processor.
1. The Giving Tree Gave to Me...
Angeliki Voreopoulou, Greece
2. Creativity in My Classroom
Martina Kobal, Slovenia
3. What’s the WeathART Like?
Elisa Bertoldi, Italy
4. If You Seek Gamey - A Receptive Skills Based Lesson Focusing on Listening
Robin Usher, Saudi Arabia
5. A Personalized Conversation Puzzle
Aned Muñiz, California and Puerto Rico, United States of America
6. Teaching Profanity in the Foreign Language Classroom
Steve Mullen, Canada
7. Breaking the Ice: A Lesson Plan to Help EFL College and University Students Overcome Anxiety
Mark Mallinder, Taiwan
8. Traditions and Customs of Great Steppe
Zaure Kulchikenova, Kazakhstan