On Being Socially Responsible TESOLers: a poem-plea
Francisco Gomes de Matos, Brazil
Francisco Gomes de Matos is an applied peace linguist from Recife, Brazil. Currently President of the Board, Associacao Brasil America/Brazil America Association (www.abaweb.org). E-mail : fcgm@hotlink.com.br
When the English language we teach
Do we also respect diversification ?
When the English language we teach
Do we always encourage cooperation ?
When the English language we teach
Do we also stress human dignity ?
When the English language we teach
Do we always implement equality ?
When the English language we teach
Do we also value social planethood ?
When the English language we teach
Do we always care for a common good ?
When the English language we teach
Do we also aim at community participation?
When the English language we teach
Do we always build PEACE conscientization ?
When the English language we teach
Do we also teach Justice and Solidarity ?
When the English language we teach
Do we always teach Social Responsibility ?
Please check the Skills of Teacher Training course at Pilgrims website.
Please check the Creative Methodology for the Classroom course at Pilgrims website.