Introducing this issue of HLT Magazine
- Korean EFL Students’ Three Major Vocabulary Learning Strategies
Seong Man Park, Canada
- Why is Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Humanistic?
Y.L. Teresa Ting, Italy
- Written Corrective Feedback: The Parameters and the Opinions
Wayne E. Arnold, US
- A Chronic Medical Condition: An Allergy To Thinking And The Entertaining of Ideas
Feride Hekimgil, Turkey
- Testing in the Teaching-Learning Process. Part One
Consuela Popa, Romania
The Charm of Notices found on the net by Tim Hahn, Spain

Pilgrims English Language Courses publishes Humanising Language Teaching Magazine (HLT) on the web for language teachers and The Teacher Trainer Journal (TTTJ), a print and new for 2013, digital magazine, for those who train, teach and mentor teacher trainers. Subscribe on-line at |
- Psychology and ELT: Humour: ‘…It’s not a laughing matter…’
Nick Michelioudakis, Greece
- Laughter is a Serious Business
Danny Singh, UK
- Learners’ Motivation of Studying English and Contrastive Teaching Methodology
Boryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova, Bulgaria
- Does Field of Study Influence EFL Learning Process: A Case of Humanities and Engineering Students
Saeedeh Karbalaee Kamran, Iran
- Extension of English Education Provided in English Villages Back to Elementary School English Classrooms in Taiwan
Grace Chin-Wen Chien, Taiwan
- How to Blend Face-to-Face Delivery with Online Tutoring
Jill Margerison, Australia
- The Heart of the Matter: Social Media and the Teacher/Student Relationship
Lou Spaventa, US
- Some ESL Learners Are Always Silent: Is Silence Golden For Them?
Amlanjyoti Sengupta, India
- Winning Hearts and Engaging Minds through Inspirational Content
Hadi Farjami, Iran
Concordancer Analysis, Description and Comparison of Language Produced by Learners and Native English Speakers Nick Morley, Thailand
- Sticks and Stones
Michael Berman, UK
- Giving Students a Voice: A Classroom Phrase Display
Ángel Luis Pérez Vela, Spain
- Unforgettable, I Wish You Were
Stephen Reilly, France
- Conversation Skills: Why and How?
David Heathfield, UK
- Logic for Language Learning 1
Simon Mumford, Turkey
Through the Eyes of a Writer: A Journey of Learning, Discovering, and Transforming Entisar Ali Elsherif, Libya
- English in deprived circumstances. Maximising learner autonomy
reviewed by Bill Templer, Bulgaria
- Creativity in Language Learning
Małgorzata Szwaj, Poland
- Short Book Reviews
Hanna Kryszewska, Poland
Know How to Listen Kathryn Glennie, Italy
- Pilgrims News
- What Can NLP Do For Me?
Mike Shreeve, UK
- Making Thinking Visible
Bonnie Tsai, France
- “Creating Calm in the Classroom”: Pilgrims Training Session by Dave Read
Peter Clements, UK
English for Comparative Religious Studies Michael Berman, UK
Four Poems Saeedeh Karbalaee Kamran, Iran
Humanising Language Teaching webiste magazine is produced by Pilgrims in association with Intensive language courses, Sprachreisen, English in Canterbury, Regent English, Séjours linguistiques, Soggiorni linguistici, Intensive language schools, Cursos intensivos de inglés, English in Canada, English in Edinburgh, English in San Francisco, English in Bournemouth, Séjours linguistiques Suisse, Séjours linguistiques Belgique, French in Paris, English in Folkestone, English in London, English in Sydney, English in Cambridge, English in Oxford, English in Boston, English in Bristol, Spanish in Madrid