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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 5; Issue 1; January 03

Lesson outlines

1. The Elusive Goblin

Henk van Oort, Netherlands

Ages 4 - 6
Time 5 minutes
Materials Any small doll but a fairy or small goblin is best.
Focus Listening skills; choral speaking.

This is an exciting game to start a lesson with. The doll you use should have been introduced as an character in some previous lesson. It can play a further role in some future lesson as well.


  1. Before the pupils enter for the English lesson, hide the doll somewhere in the classroom-- preferably somewhere odd like up high on a lamp or in a plant.
  2. Secretly tell one pupil where the doll is. This pupil's job is to be the doll's voice. If the class have never played this game before, you will need to coach the pupil on how to answer.


    1. When the pupils have entered, start complaining that Frodo, or whatever name has been invented, has disappeared. (Speak of the doll as if it were a wholly self-willed being.)
    Encourage the pupils to start asking: “Where are you Frodo?” The pupil who is the doll's voice answers as appropriate, first just making a sound or saying, “Here!” The doll's answers become more and more specifying until the doll's hiding place is identified. Whoever sees the doll first is the winner.