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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 5; Issue 1; January 03

Book Preview

Words I want to Blot Out

Level: Elementary to advanced
Time: 15-30 minutes
Purpose: to get people to know each other better by talking about pet hates and to make them realise how much there can be, for the other person, in what seems an anodyne word to them
Preparation : Choose five words you would like to delete from the language for whatever personal reasons. Here are two lists to get you thinking:

A Greek beginner learner of English :


One of the authors :

SUBJECTIVE, OBJECTIVE ( because they are unreal categories ) ADVERB ( because it goes with many other bits of language, besides the verb) WELL-KNOWN ( because it is often used to put others down. )

Lesson outline:

  1. Put the words you want blotted out of the language up on the board. Explain why you dislike them.

  2. Ask the students, working individually to think of ten words they would like to obliterate.

  3. Tell them to pick the 5 most interesting ones and to explain them to three other students. ( They work in fours).

  4. Ask them to pick the 2 most interesting ones from each four and put these up on the board. Each group explains the reasons for wanting deletion.

Variation : You can ask the students to pick the five

most ugly sounding words in English

most ugly looking words on the page

most imprecise words in the language

the most different from the equivalent words in their mother tongue. etc…..

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