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1. Parallel melodies
Reflections on music, learning and teaching
Jeremy Harmer, Cambridge, UK
2. Leaders of leaders - I don't think so
Sheelagh Deller responds to Adrian Underhill'sleading article in this issue
3. Multiples Intelligences in the Icelandic school system
Primary secondary
Betty Nikulasdottir, Reykjavik, Iceland
4. Learning from colleagues Focus on Simon Marshall
Chaz Pugliese, Paris, France
Mario Rinvolucri, Pilgrims, UK
5. Using NLP thinking for exam preparation The Bateson logical levels in action
Secondary and adult
Gigliola Pagano, Prodenone, Italy
6. A semantic approach to the grammar lesson
Primary, secondary adult
Lina di Ciocco, Thessaloniki, Greece
7. Thinking creatively
Isobel Fletcher de Tellez, London, UK
8. Humanising an academic postgraduate course
Sandra Piai, Essex University, UK
9. The native-speaking EFL teacher in the Italian State School
Giovanna Baglione and Susanna Licciardi, Italy