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Humanising Language Teaching
Humanising Language Teaching
Humanising Language Teaching

Using the CALL classic, Storyboard, for joke-telling

secondary adult
Esther LozanoEstopanyan, EOI , Zaragoza, Spain

Computer Assited Language Learning was the term coined in the early years of computers for classroom use. Among the software available since that at the time, a classic remains unbeatable: Storyboard (Wida Software) Those teachers who have ever used its authoring version will agree with me that its versatility and user-friendly application are the best features of this programme.

The idea of reconstructing a text may be simple, but it is brilliant. Students approach the task of text reconstruction enthusiastically and , sometimes even frantically!

So, the programme being perfect for reading and writing skills improvement, the teacher's main contribution consists of choosing the right text/s and the most engaging task.


Undoubtedly, telling anecdotes and funny stories is an engaging task, so choosing a joke as the text for students to read and , later, reconstruct seems a clear option.

But two factors must be taken into consideration:
•- political correctness, given the classroom environment we are in.-
•the level of language difficulty, if students are to understand the story.

In this respect, choosing a joke from a coursebook is always a guarantee, and this is what I did for the teaching experiment I am going to describe next.


In preparation for the activity , I picked out two funny stories from the Inside Out Level II Workbook and then, with the storyboard authoring version I transformed them into gap-filling mode and gave them their titles:

A) The bus driver and Big John B) The doctor's advice

At the same time, I photocopied the texts from the workbook and cut out the hand outs for students A and students B, the idea being that each group could only read and reconstruct one of the texts .

When everything was ready , I took my students to the computer lab and they all sat in twos in front of the computer. Every pair was given one of the texts, which they had to first read and then reconstruct with the storyboard programme.

I monitored the activity throughout the process of reading and writing, and helped them with vocabulary, but mainly they themseleves managed to help each other with the reading and writing tasks.

The speaking practice activity came next. Students were then asked to work in A-B pairs and share the funny stories.

The use of the historic present was encouraged, so that students were not concerned about memorising words from the text but the could focused on storytelling and being funny!


Despite the well-kownn fact that joke telling is not something everybody has a talent for, and besides, there is the added snag that teller and listener must share a sense of humour... or bust!
Having said that, the activity was a success. I highly recommend using storyboard for an amusing and motivating joke-telling session!

Ah!, I almost forgot... here are the jokes they worked on.. Enjoy!

The bus driver and Big John

One day a bus driver was in his bus when the biggest man he had ever seen got on. The giant looked at the driver and said: "Big John doesn't pay", and took his seat on the bus. The bus driver bus only a little man and he didn't want to argue.
This happened for several days. After a week , the bus driver was beginning to get a little angry. Everybody else paid, so why not the big man? So the driver went to the gym and started a course of body-building. He didn't want to get frightened of Big John any more.

Three weeks later the driver had strong muscles and was feeling very fit.
At the usual stop, Big John got on. "Big John doesn't pay", he said. But this time the driver was prepared for him. He got up and said : "Oh, yeah? And why doesn't Big John pay?"
"Because Big John has got a bus pass" , the man replied.

The doctor's advice

A man was feeling unwell and he went to see the doctor. He went with his wife because he was a little worried. Afterwards, the doctor spoke to the man's wife. "I'm afraid I have some bad news" , he said. "Unless you follow my instructions carefully, your husband will die. Every morning you must give him a good breakfast and you must cook him a healthy meal at night. What is more, you mustn't ask him to do any housework and you must keep the house very clean. It is a lot of work for you, but it really is the only way to keep him alive"
On the way home, the husband asked his wife what the doctor had said to her. "He said you are going to die"
She replied.

White humour or black humour...everything goes for a good laugh!


Please check the The Fun Laughter and Learning course at Pilgrims website.

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