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1. Being down so long, seems like up to me Depression
Lou Spaventa, Sta Barbara, Calilfornia, USA
2. The "personal organiser", or portfolio, moves students into autonomy
Secondary adult
Carlos Leite, Flavio Franca, Brazil
3. iTs…..the story of how a newsletter became a magazine
Robert Campbell, editor, iTs magazine, BArcelona Catalunya, Spain
4. PowerPoint- innocent proven guilty- the case for the defence
Upper secondary adult
Marijana Vucic-Pecnik, Natalija Andrakovic-Kostanjevac, Phil Dexter, Zagreb, Croatia
5. Surviving a teaching presentation - the non-verbal way
Tom Maguire, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
6. Straight from the chalkface: test-driving the interactive white board
Primary secondary adult
Re-published from IATEFL SIG Newsletter
Miranda Hamilton, Bell, Cambridge, UK