To allow you to choose how to view the articles, we have prepared them in two formats.
The first format allows you to view the articles online as web pages. The second format (rich text format) allows you to download and
save the articles to your computer and then view them with your own word processor.
1. A Message from Tessa Woodward - the editor of TTTJ - The Teacher Trainer Journal
Tessa Woodward, UK
2. Doing EFL Terminology the Wiki Way or How to Create a Free, Democratic and Useful Resource
Jeremy Harmer, UK
3. Tick-Tack: A Novel Approach to Language Learning
David Sephton, UK
4. EUROCALL Review Recommends ESOL Teacher's Unique Website
Susan Alyn, US
5. New Headway Advanced Student’s Book
reviewed by Neil McBeath, Saudi Arabia
6. People will never forget how you make them feel
David Warr, UK
7. A Checklist for a Humanizing Approach to Language Teaching
Francisco Gomes de Matos, Brazil