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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 4; Issue 4; July 02

Readers Letters

Just the person to write for HLT!

Dear Mario,

Since the TEA Conference in Tenerife I've had a note to myself to write something for the HLT mag. What has kept me from doing to so far this semester has been my heavy teaching load. You see, I enjoy my classes so much that they tend to swallow up all my time………..

Leslie Bobb, Canary Islands, Spain

Dear Leslie,

I love your reason for not yet sending me an article. Being immersed in one's classes is the central act in our profession and writing articles, editing magazines, teacher training etc.... are all ancillary and, in a way, "junior" activities. compared to the central act of teaching language.

And this is why I really do want an article from you.

Warmly yours,

How people find out about HLT

Dear Mario,

I would like to thank you very much for sending me regular e-mails about HLT.

I am not an experienced teacher as I graduated in 2000. I am from Romania, a country whose name, I am sure, doesn't tell you much.

I had the chance to come to UK last summer with a scholarship offered by the British Council. I had wonderful teachers and in Broadstairs I found out about you and this magazine.

Thank you again for your messages

Pilgrims Courses

Dear Mario,

Thanks a lot for sending the latest issue of HLT. It is also very interesting to know that you will be busy running the full summer courses which I consider extremely helpful by this time. Anyway there will be good opportunity to be there for learning, for sharing and enjoying those courses with you all in the future.

I will recommend them to my colleagues too.

Edy Isabel Torres

When you teach a Language you teach a Culture

Dear Editor,

In your May 2002 Editorial you attacked the British Council for claiming to teach Individualism in parallel to the English language.

The British Council employs principally British teachers in its world wide chain of schools and inevitably they will teach their own values alongside the language they teach. What can they do other than this? All teachers ineluctably teach themselves as well as the subject that is theirs.

I feel that the advertisement you attacked is an honest statement of the reality as she is. Nobody can divorce language from the values that reside in it and that have shaped it.

Yours sincerely,
Jacques Legrand, France.

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