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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 4; Issue 6; November 02

Book Preview

Getting Distance between Source and Target Text

Type of class: monolingual or multilingual, providing there are at least two students per MT.

Teacher: doesn't need to know the students' MT.

Level: lower intermediate to advanced

Purpose: to help the student escape the influence of the source language when translating.

  • in preparation, choose a suitable English text.
  • Read them the English source text, slowly and clearly.
  • Give them the text for them to read silently.
  • Ask them to read along silently as you read the source text this time faster and with music in the background.
  • Ask them to work in pairs with dictionaries and elucidate the meaning of any unknown words.
    Be everywhere, helping with comprehension.
  • Ask partner A in each pair to read the passage to B in as English an accent as she can.
    B then reads the passage with as foreign an accent as possible.
  • Ask the students to work alone and either draw a picture that illustrates the source text or a diagram that illustrates its flow.
  • Partner A now explains the content of the passage to B as though B were a seven year old.
  • Partner B reads the passage in English but paraphrasing as much as she can.
  • You take in the source language papers.
  • Person A now dictates a target language translation of the passage to B. Person A works from memory. They can discuss as much as they like.
  • You give them back the source language text and they compare.

Note: The above sequence tries to help students away from the fierce “undertow” of the source language when translating.

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