Pilgrims HomeContentsEditorialMarjor ArticleJokesShort ArticleIdeas from the CorporaLesson OutlinesStudent VoicesPublicationsAn Old ExercisePilgrims Course OutlineReaders LettersPrevious EditionsLindstromberg ColumnTeacher Resource Books Preview

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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 4; Issue 6; November 2002
Year 4 Issue 6
November 2002

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Introducing SGAV thinking

Major Article

1.The body in a Pedagogy of Being
Viviane Laroy, Belgium

2. Multilingualism: Its Methodological Aspects
An Introduction to SGAV and ALL'S WELL thinking

Ciaver, Belgium


Two Belgian Jokes Clement Laroy
The Parrot Christine Van Deyck, Belgium
How to Call the Police Karine Rocher
Berlusconi Joke Cecile Marit

Short Article

1. A Teacher and her Sorrow ( adult/immigrant)
Cecile Marit, IEPSCF, Belgium

If you prefer to read the French original:
Un Chagrin de prof

2. Kaolack: Diary of an African Experience ( adult)
Caty Duykaerts, IEPSCF, Belgium

3. Reaching Real People ( upper secondary)
Students run a radio programme and communicate with pen-friends
Insa Antoine Camara, Kaolack, Senegal

4. In my Children's Footsteps ( general)
What I learnt as a teacher from being a student
Caty Duykaerts, IEPSCF, Belgium

5. A Dutch Language Course with a Difference ( adult)
The Human Dimension of SGAV thinking
Mme Roosen, Liege, Belgium

Ideas from the Corpora

Language, Creativity and Creating Relationships
Professor Ron Carter, Nottingham University, UK

Lesson Outlines

1. Finding the Picture's Message ( primary, sec+adult)
Valerie Fontaine and Alain Moreau, IEPSCF

2. As if we were Christmas Trees (primary, sec+ adult)
Valerie Fontaine and Alain Moreau, IEPSCF

3. Aren't Men from Mars and Women from Venus? (Upper Secondary and adult)
Katty Mertens, IEPSCF

4. A Day at the Museum. The Portrait ( upper sec+ adult)
Caty Duykaerts, IEPSCF

5. The Tale of the Ermine and the Hunter- Canadian Wondertales. (Upper secondary and adult)
Claudette de Ville, IEPSCF

6. Creating a Joke ( upper secondary and adult)
Work on nationality and gender stereotypes
Claudette de Ville, IEPSCF

7. The Museum Role-play ( Upper Secondary + adult)
Julie Lecomte, IEPSCF

8. Missing! Focused use of the Internet ( Sec + adult)
Monique Rocour, IEPSCF

9. Designing a Jacket for a Teenager (Secondary +adult)
Clement Laroy, Belgium

10. Letters and Words Race ( primary, secondary and adult)
Valerie Fontaine and Alain Moreau IEPSCF

11. Boomerang Words ( primary, secondary and adult)
Valerie Fontaine and Alain Moreau, IEPSCF

12. Hands ( secondary and adult)
Dominique Byl, IEPSCF

13. My Headline, your story (secondary and adult)
Cecile Marit, IEPSCF

14. Visualising Sounds ( primary, secondary and adult beginners)
Christine Van Opdenbosch, IEFSCF

Student Voices

Salamou Alaikoum,
A Belgian learns Arabic in the SGAV way

You learn Dutch- You meet people from 101 countries
Laurent, a student at IEPSCF

Students' Words
several IEPSCF students

What I learnt, as a teacher, from being a student
Sophie Caldeira, IEPSCF, Belgium


Metaphors in Mind
Transformation through symbolic Modelling
James Lawley and Penny Tompkins
The Developing Company Press
Reviewed by Mario Rinvolucri, UK

An Old Exercise

Abigail's Story … Upper secondary +adult
A Values Clarification Story
Caty Duykaerts, IEPSCF, Belgium

Off-the-Wall Dictation ( primary, sec, adult)
Valerie Fontaine and Alain Moreau, IEPSCF

Just Words… An ALL'S WELL drama activity ( secondary and adult)
Claudette de Ville, IEPSCF, Belgium

A Revolving Dialogue (primary, secondary and adult)
Valerie Fontaine and Alain Moreau, IEPSCF

Do You like your Neighbours? ( primary, sec + adult)
Cecile Marit, IEPSCF, Belgium

Pilgrims Course Outline

Dare to Live another Language at IEPSCF
Claudette de Ville and Caty Duykaerts

Do you know IEPSCF, those unpronounceable Initials?
Anita Manana, IEPSCF

Talking about Experiences
Katty Mertens-Denny and Nadine Logghe, IEPSCF

Readers' Letters

How the River Scheldt was born
Christine van Dyck, IEPSCF, Belgium

Seth Column

Sometimes Against the Grain

Teacher Resource Books Preview

Using the Mother Tongue (primary, sec + adult)
Sheelagh Deller, Mario Rinvolucri ( Pilgrims)
( published by ETp-Delta, Nov 24th, 2002)

A Message from The Teacher Trainer's Editor, Tessa Woodward.

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