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Smart Solutions: An Evolution in Educational Publishing

James Hall, South Korea

James Hall has worked in education for 11 years as a teacher, a content developer, and on the business side of things. James has a unique vantage point on the smart learning evolution being based in Seoul and working for a global leader in digital learning, Compass Media. E-mail:

With content and technology converging at a rapid pace, how will educational publishers adapt for a new period in publishing? At Compass Media, our vision is to utilize technology to provide enriched content and a better educational habitat for learners, educators, and institutions. The educationally thirsty and wired market of South Korea has situated us in the perfect conditions to lead an evolution in content provision.

Publishers have been talking about adding value through digital means for several years. But, what is meant by adding value? In many cases, this seems to be simply taking existing content in a .pdf and wrapping it with a digital overlay. This shows very little innovation on the part of the publisher. This method is an inexpensive short term fix, which does little or nothing to improve on the content itself. While this may work in the trade, the idea of providing content in this format is problematic to educational publishers. This is because learners need to engage with the book itself to input information and answer questions. Even the very best combination of platform and .pdf only allows us to mimic the learning habitat of a book. In test markets around the world, the feedback to such content for educational publishing has been a resounding ‘no’ and is one of the reasons educational publishing has not seeing the rapid digitalization that the trade has seen. Simply put, innovation does not come in a .pdf.

Going digital is like taking a very long breathe before diving into the sea. It might, be awhile before we can come up for air to see the return on our investment, but if we don’t take that breathe we might drown. It’s time for educational publishers to put aside investment concerns and make use of the tools which we have to make the best content possible before the entire industry is under water. We need smart solutions to harmonize content and technology for the industry as a whole. For this reason, we are opening our platform to additional content providers.

Smart solutions require the convergence of content and application. Technology has changed the game by allowing us to rethink, redevelop, and reengineer what a traditional book is: at the end of the day, if we aren’t reimagining what a book is, then we won’t be making the appropriate content for a new smart learning habitat. At Compass, we have digitalized our existing content into interactive HTML5 smart books. The converted books have been paired with a smart learning platform which provides utility to both educators and institutions. Content can be purchased from an online bookstore,, and delivered to a free smart learning application that runs on both Android and iOS.

The use of HTML5-authored content and the smart learning platform provides a number benefits. First, the designed user experience improves the way that the learner interacts with the content. When working in HTML5, students can actually input and answer questions on the digital page. Furthermore, after answering they can submit their answers electronically to their teacher. Educators can also interact with student s in previously impossible ways, including two-way communication between student and teacher devices, sending digital tests and assignments, and controlling student devices to make sure they’re on task. Next, integration of rich media includes additional content in various media types including audio, video, games, and activities streamed to the learners’ devices. This allows for learners to interact with the content in a much more engaging way. In addition, the inclusion of social networking and communities where students can share and celebrate their learning accomplishments will help to engage digital natives. Finally, an advanced learning management system for educators and institutions is included that helps to streamline studies while providing analytical feedback on students’ comprehension in real time. Allowing for this interaction between students and teachers will facilitate smart learning by allowing the educator to get feedback on both class and student comprehension of content. As such, HTML5 smart books will provide real value to students, educators, and institutions around the world.

It’s time to let our imaginations loose and create real digital solutions, rather than just short term fixes. It’s time to join an evolution. It’s time to reach, teach, and learn more effectively.


Please check the Using Mobile Technology course at Pilgrims website.
Please check the ICT - Using Technology in the Classroom – Level 1 course at Pilgrims website.
Please check the ICT - Using Technology in the Classroom – Level 2 course at Pilgrims website.

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