Introducing this issue of HLT Magazine
- Teaching Conversation Through ‘Conversation’: A Case-study from Italy
Douglas Mark Ponton, Italy
- Curriculum for Preparing Teachers of English in Uzbekistan: Now and Then
Nodira Isamukhamedova, Uzbekistan
- Social Constructivism and Metacognition in an EFL Context: Inspecting the Contribution of Critical Thinking to EFL Learners’ Social Intelligence
Alireza Zaker, Iran
- Fostering Students’ Metacognitive Knowledge Through Written Comments
Ivan Chong, Hong Kong, People's Republic of China
- Deep Reading and How to Rediscover It
Feride Hekimgil, Turkey
- Motivation and Teaching Phase
Bahar Kızıltunalı, Turkey
I Can Read it! Can You??? found online

Pilgrims English Language Courses publishes Humanising Language Teaching Magazine (HLT) on the web for language teachers and The Teacher Trainer Journal (TTTJ), a print and new for 2010, digital magazine, for those who train, teach and mentor teacher trainers. Subscribe on-line at |
- A modern English Language Textbook as an Integral Part of Various Learning Media
Tatiana Kozhevnkikova, Russian Federation
- Making the Most of Your Course Book
Rory O’Kane, United Arab Emirates
- Systemic Approaches to Units of Editing
Shibu Simon, India
- Fear of Making Mistakes and EFL Speaking Anxiety
Michael T. R. Madill, South Korea
- What is a Native-speaking EFL Teacher Worth?: A Rational Approach
Steve Mullen, Canada
- What Do Language Learners Expect? Raising the Bar in ELT/TESOL
Steve Mullen, Canada
- Russian Theatre Techniques in Teacher Training
Elena Kashina, Russia
- Here and Now: A Language and Culture Course for Teachers in the Post-Brexit U.K.
Mark Andrews, U.K. and Uwe Pohl, Hungary
Found on the Internet
- Personal Past Perfect: Using a Personal Story to Authentically Model a Tense
Peter Gyulay, Australia
- How EFL/ESL Teachers Can Help Students Make a Successful Speech
Mark Mallinder and Hsiang-Ni Lee, Taiwan
- Tune Into English
Fergal Kavanagh, Italy
- Teaching Assertiveness in the EFL Classroom
Elena Stolyarova, Russia
My French Learning Experience. A Diary Study Simone Lira Calabrich, Brazil
- Short Book Reviews
Hanna Kryszewska, Poland
- My Reasons for Choosing the New Headway Advanced
Laura Alvarez, Argentina
- Soft English. Methods, Softwares, Books & Games
Storytelling in the English Classroom Beata Wojciechowska, Poland
Pilgrims News… Jointly with IATEFL: Linking, Developing and Supporting - the IATEFL Recipe for Success Jon Burton, UK
- Teaching Grammar from Rules to Reasons. Practical ideas and advice for working with grammar in the language classroom
by Danny Norrington-Davies. Modern English Teacher
- ETpedia Young Learners. 500 ideas for English teachers of young learners
by Vanessa Esteves. English Teaching Professional
- The College Collection. Crown House Publishing
- Don’t Send Him in Tomorrow. Shining a light on the marginalised, disenfranchised and forgotten children of today’s schools
by Jarlath O’Brien. Crown House Publishing
- Elefant Hó or Snow Elephant
Robin Usher, Hungary
- Phoenix New Life Poetry, Summer 2016
- Using the Context of Dance in Language Classes
Rokhatoy Boltaeva, Uzbekistan
- Creativity at the 9th ELTAM-Macedonia International Conference
Aleksandra Popovski Golubovikj, Macedonia
Humanising Language Teaching webiste magazine is produced by Pilgrims in association with Intensive language courses, Sprachreisen, English in Canterbury, Regent English, Séjours linguistiques, Soggiorni linguistici, Intensive language schools, Cursos intensivos de inglés, English in Canada, English in Edinburgh, English in San Francisco, English in Bournemouth, Séjours linguistiques Suisse, Séjours linguistiques Belgique, French in Paris, English in Folkestone, English in London, English in Sydney, English in Cambridge, English in Oxford, English in Boston, English in Bristol, Spanish in Madrid