Introducing this issue of HLT Magazine
- David A. Hill 1952-2017. In Memoriam.
- Language and Deafness: Teaching a Foreign Language to the Deaf from a Bakhtinian Perspective
Antonio Henrique Coutelo de Moraes and Wanilda Maria Alves Cavalcanti, Brazil
- Transference of Teaching Skills to Optimize Cultural Learning Differences Amongst Thai University English Students
John W. Tigue, the United States
- An English Teacher’s Inquiry into Own Instructional Practices
Stefan Rathert, Turkey
- Translated Writing: A Unique Opportunity for Second Language Learners to Write More Effectively
Reza Zabihi and Zeinab Hashemi Moghaddam, Iran
- Teaching Grammar in a Task-based Framework: What Cognitive Semantics Can Offer
N. P. Sudharshana, India
I forgot How to School: "Exchange Program of the Third Kind" and "Outside the Box” Thomas Belvedere, Italy

Pilgrims English Language Courses publishes Humanising Language Teaching Magazine (HLT) on the web for language teachers and The Teacher Trainer Journal (TTTJ), a print and new for 2010, digital magazine, for those who train, teach and mentor teacher trainers. Subscribe on-line at |
- Critical Reading: An Introduction
Mahshad Tasnimi, Iran
- The Power of Music in Learning
Danny Singh, UK and Italy
- How Not to Tell a Story
Jamie Keddie, Spain
- No-hands Up Approach in ELT: Thumbs Up or Down?
Jokha Khalifa Ali AL-Hosni, Oman
- Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing: Stages of Team Development and Their Impact on Teaching Language Classes
Isabella Keilani, Austria
- Non-verbal Error Correction: A Systematic Development and Consistent Implementation of Sign Language for Function Words
Farhad Jafari, Iran
- Archimedes and Pterodactyls
Raymond Devenney, US
- Pragmatics, Blasphemy, and a Bloody Moose
Terry McLean, Canada
Using the Corpus for Examining Cultural Change. From Jani Marjanen, historian at University of Helsinki recommended by Hania Kryszewska, Poland
- A Game Sport
Robin Usher, Saudi Arabia
- Pottered
Robin Usher, Saudi Arabia
- Who is the Busiest? A Task-based Lesson Plan
Luke Houghton, Japan
- Using Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech in the EFL Classroom: A Lesson Plan
Mark Mallinder, Taiwan
From a German Coursebook to Studying Languages... Karolina Haase, Poland
- Classroom Community Builders: An Author Review by Walton Burns
Walton Burns, USA
- Short Book Reviews
Hania Kryszewska, Poland
- Tune into English
Fergal Kavanagh, Italy
- Supporting Learners with Dyslexia in the ELT Classroom by Michele Daloiso, OUP
- Teaching Young Language Learners. Second Edition by Annamaria Pinter, OUP
Talking to Yourself in English Mario Rinvolucri, UK
- Pilgrims News: Erasmus+ Funding for Teachers in EU Countries
- Pilgrims Summer 2017
Charlotte Bastert, the Netherlands
- 21st Century Thinking Skills with Archimboldo
Lucia Olosová and Juli Károlyi, Andrea Winter and Lilja Gudmundsdottir, at Pilgrims 2017
Going Performative in Intercultural Education. International Contexts, Theoretical Perspectives and Models of Practice. Eds. John Crutchfield and Manfred Schewe, Multilingual Matters
- Two Poems
George Patterson, US
- Snow
Robin Usher, Saudi Arabia
- Creativity and English Language Teaching From Inspiration to Implementation by Alan Maley and Tamas Kiss, Palgrave
- The Image in English Language Teaching, reviewed by Mario Rinvolucri, UK
Humanising Language Teaching webiste magazine is produced by Pilgrims in association with Intensive language courses, Sprachreisen, English in Canterbury, Regent English, Séjours linguistiques, Soggiorni linguistici, Intensive language schools, Cursos intensivos de inglés, English in Canada, English in Edinburgh, English in San Francisco, English in Bournemouth, Séjours linguistiques Suisse, Séjours linguistiques Belgique, French in Paris, English in Folkestone, English in London, English in Sydney, English in Cambridge, English in Oxford, English in Boston, English in Bristol, Spanish in Madrid