Pilgrims News: An Invitation to Create the Future you Deserve in 2019...
Hi everyone from Jim & Lizzie here in Canterbury!
So the last few weeks we've been busy answering enquiries and placing people on our 2018, can you believe over 300 people have booked already and there's still time for you to apply too! - view the courses here - www.pilgrims.co.uk/page/?title=2018+Courses%2C+Dates+and+Fees&pid=261
...and now we are publishing our courses and dates for 2019 so you can book your place way in advance.
Why so far in advance? Well that's the way the Erasmus+ funding goes and the earlier you organise your project with your colleagues, the better chance you have for success!
You can find all the details here www.pilgrims.co.uk/page/?title=2019+Courses%2C+Dates+%26+Fees&pid=265
We realise the Erasmus+ funding application process can be intimidating, so we have provided you with easy to follow steps - here - www.pilgrims.co.uk/page/?title=Erasmus%2B+funding+for+your+course&pid=14
January's always a difficult month, start of a new year, new year promises - we all do it - oh I'll get fit, I'll eat more healthy, I'll give myself more time to myself, I'll relax more, be more patient with my students....;-) you know what I mean...!
Then February comes and we slip into old habits and feel guilty all over again!
Well you can stop this cycle, break the habits that have ruled your January's for years and create the future you deserve!
Have you ever booked a holiday for the summer and the moment you book it you feel all excited already? You're already on holiday - you imagine the blue sea, the sandy beaches, the endless days of not having to worry about anything - you start enjoying your future before it happens!
Pilgrims is no different, you book your course now and you can start to enjoy the good feelings now...
Imagine, being on a beautiful, green university campus, surrounded by nature and with amazing views of the city of Canterbury and the Cathedral.
Imagine (and you've probably never done this before), two whole weeks where you get to relax, focus on you and just be you.
Imagine, being surrounded by amazing colleagues from over 30 other countries and sharing inspirational ideas and conversations.
Imagine, that feeling you get when you realise all the problems and challenges you face every day at school, they're the same for everyone else and we can share and support each other
Imagine that feeling of becoming a part of Pilgrims family that is here to love and support you.
Imagine, being given a space in your mind, where anything is possible...
These are all reason why people come back to join our Pilgrims family year after year... because it feels good!
Other teacher training courses just focus on the doing of teaching, the methodology, the hows, at Pilgrims we focus on the doing, but more importantly, the being - who you are being when you are teaching - this is where the magic happens!
So this is our invitation for you to join us and create the future you deserve!
Drop me a line and let's see what's possible for you - jim.wright@pilgrims.co.uk