Pilgrims HomeContentsEditorialMarjor ArticleJokesShort ArticleIdeas from the CorporaLesson OutlinesStudent VoicesPublicationsAn Old ExercisePilgrims Course OutlineReaders LettersPrevious EditionsLindstromberg ColumnTeacher Resource Books Preview

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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 3; Issue 1; January 2001

Humanising Language Teaching


Year 3 Issue 1
January 2001

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Welcome to the January 2001 edition of the Pilgrims Internet magazine

Major Article

1. A Look at a Way of Teaching based on Relationship
Linguistic Psycho-Dramaturgy ( LPD)
by Bernard Dufeu, Brittany ( France) and Germany
Author of Teaching Myself, OUP 1994.


Italian Jokes

Short Article

1. Writing from the Heart- Writing for the Soul (Primary)
Encouraging children to wake up the writer within.
by Veronica de Andres, Argentina
Reprinted from the SEAL JOURNAL, December 2000.

2. Emotional Intelligence ( all ages)
How to use EI in teaching reading comp and phrasal verbs
by Jim Wingate, Wales

3. TEFL Myths ( secondary and adult)
An attack on the outlawing of reading aloud and on the teaching of skimming and scanning.
by Robert Buckmaster, Poland.
(Reprinted from Network News, with permission from the British Council.)

4. Zerofying ( all ages)
Dealing with difficult People
by Rahina Qureshi Hacioglu , Turkey

5. Forgive me for I have taught ( secondary and general)
Should a teacher mainly be an entertainer?
by Ana Maria R. de Bergel, Argentina
( Reprinted from the Buenos Aires Herald, August 1999)

6. Poetry in Image (Secondary)
by Anna Franca Plastina, Australia/Italy

7. LearnEnglish Website ( primary, secondary and adult)
by Caroline Moore, British Council, UK

8. Nuns, or my Training to be a Teacher ( all ages)
What I have learnt from Insensitivity and Sadism
by Cristina Vetturini, Italy

9. Brain-clever Word Choice of the Opposite of Mistakes (language interest)
by Tessa Woodward, Editor of The Teacher Trainer
( reprinted here for The Teacher Trainer, Vol 14/3 )

10. Machiko's Breakthrough : a magic classroom moment.
by Robert E. Jones, Japan

Ideas from the Corpora

Mike Rundell's Column

Lesson Outlines

1. Teacher Thinking: What is your metaphor? (Secondary and adult)
by Ana Robles Fraga, HLT secondary consultant, Spain (Primary)

2. Feel Good Ribbon ( Secondary and adult )
by Ana Robles Fraga

3. Be your Colleague (secondary and adult)
by Sheila Levy, UK

4. Telling the time ( primary, secondary and adult )
by Christiane van Opdenbosch, teacher of Dutch, Belgium

5. The Museum Project ( Secondary )
by Marisa Luisa Ariza, Spain

6. The "unlock feeling" Exercise ( Secondary and Adult)
by Maria Eduarda Cardoso, ( Portugal)

Student Voices

Student working on their own- their reactions (lower secondary)
organised by Laura Cova, Italy


Into English Writing and Translating into English as a Second Language
A Practical Guide to Recurrent Difficulties
by Alan Duff , DZSd.d., Zaloznistvo, Ljubljana, 2000
ISBN 86-341-2340-5

Scuola di Barbiana
( The school at Barbiana)
Lettera a una Professoressa
(Letter to a teacher )

edited by Don Lorenzo Milani
Libreria Editrice Fiorentina 1996

Unravelling an Enigma
by Greg Nees
Intercultural Press. 2000

An Old Exercise

Writing for Effect ( from the work of Saxon Menne)

Pilgrims Course Outline

Run your own school A new language school management course

Readers' Letters

1. Letter to Bernard Dufeu ( see also Major Article)

2. Satisfaction in Uruguay

3. Apologising for Excellence

4. HLT useful for Hongkong MA Students

Teacher Resource Books Preview

Using your own Language
The Mother Tongue as a Resource in the Foreign Language classroom ( working title)
by Deller and Rinvolucri
Forthcoming in late 2001 with English Teaching professional and Delta Publishing.
( the exercises in this Issue's selection are for secondary and adult, though the book has plenty of techniques for primary)

Seth Column

Now and then against the Grain
Film Scripts off the Internet
( Secondary and adult)

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