1. Hazards of Using humanistic Techniques
in a War-stricken Country Teenage and adult
Visnja Grgicevic and Visnja Makek, Croatia
2. Brain-clever word choice, or the opposite of
Mistakes, adult
Tessa Woodward
3. The Heart of the Matter- Gender in Teaching
Lou Spaventa, California
4. Websites worth watching primary
Debbie Candy, UK
5. ELTeCS- English Language Teaching Contacts
Zsazsa Kuti, editor ELTeCS Europe, Hungary
6. Teaching online adult
Tiziana Arnoldi
7. Bi-lingual Story Telling pre-primary
Ligia Maria and Sandie Mourao
8. The Misunderstood Child, seen through
a " Multiple Intelligences" Lens
primary, secondary and adult
Sandra Piai, St Andrews University, Scotland