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1. Teacher, you taught me wrong
John Morgan, Cumbria, UK (posthumous)
2. How NLP has changed my teaching
Simon Marshall, Pilgrims UK Interviewed by Judy Baker
3. The Heart of the Matter
" This is the end of the innocence"
Coming up against the constraints of the profession on an initial teacher training course
Lou Spaventa, Sta Barbara, California, USA
4. Surrounded by false friends
Secondary and adult Marian Zamorski, University of Wroclaw, Poland and Pilgrims, Canterbury, UK
5. Explaining grammar with metaphors
Secondary and adult Simon Mumford, UK
6. Humanising the Oral Exam
Secondary adult Paul Bress, Whitstabe, UK
7. Learning English through the cultural interface A task-based approach to learning English in UK
Upper secondary adult Roy Boardman, Universita Orientale, Naples, Italy St Peter's Language Centre, Naples, Italy.
8. Insights into mentoring
Simon Marshall, Pilgrims, UK