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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 5; Issue 6; November 03


Bad news

Doctor: I have some good news for you and some bad.

Patient: Tell me the good news first.

Doctor: You have 24 hours to live.

Patient: What?! So……. what's the bad news?

Doctor: um…. I forgot to tell you yesterday!

Fast asleep

The son of a train driver expressed this wish:

“ I want to die as my father did, in his sleep and not like his passengers, screaming in agony. “

The child who knew

This child was two years old and still couldn't talk . He was a really strange boy. Now, one day, when his grandpa was playing with him, he came out with this word:


Next day his grandfather dropped dead.

A couple of months later, his grandmother was serving out the meal and the little boy said “ GRANDMA!”.

By the next morning she was dead.

It was the lad's birthday and his father was playing ball with him. “DAD!” he cried.

Next morning they found the corpse of the neighbour in his flat on the third floor

Being Head-hunted

He knocked and went into his boss's office:

“ Can you raise my salary? You see there are three other companies after me.”

“ Oh yes, “ goes the boss,” Which ones are they?

“ The phone company, the Gas Board and the Water Company!

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