To allow you to choose how to view the articles, we have prepared them in two formats.
The first format allows you to view the articles online as web pages. The second format (rich text format) allows you to download and
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1. Metaphorically Speaking
Steve Darn and Ian White, Turkey
2. The Importance of Socio-affective Strategies in Using EFL for Teaching Mainstream Subjects
Ezana Habte-Gabr, Colombi/p>
3. CLIL Experience in Italian Middle School
Daniela Villani, Italy
4. Cornered - the Experiences of Freelance Business English Teachers in Europe
Sheila Vine, Germany and Valentina Dodge, Italy
5. Journals and the Language Learner
Daniel Martín del Otero, Spain
6. "The Farmyard" Production Behind the Scenes
Olga Ludyga with Aleksander Sienkiewicz, Poland
7. The Travel Buddy and Global Awarenesse
Jenny Rúnarsdóttir, Iceland
8. Lying in a Foreign Language and a Troubled Conscience
Khoram Balaee, Iran.
9. Comfort to Teachers
Mette Hein Vester, Denmark
10. The Heart of the Matter: Ned Ludd Returns
Lou Spaventa, the US