The Immortal Chant
I developed the chant below for my beginning students who have trouble learning some of the movement verbs. We do not have some of them in Portuguese. For example, we say "andar na ponta dos pés" ou "ir a escola de bicicleta". The teacher may choose to have students try to move around or use their fingers or hands (it will depend on the age range of the group, of course). This activity was inspired by the work developed by Eva Jonai.
Let's all chant and do these together
Walk, walk, walk, walk,
On the tip of your toes.
Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.
On your bike.
Cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle.
Let's take the bus.
Ride, ride, ride, ride
Let's take the plane.
Fly, fly, fly, fly.
You see a snake.
Jump, jump, jump, jump.
A banana skin.
Trip and fall, trip and fall.
Your knee hurts
Limp, limp, limp, limp.
You see a friend.
Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak
And yell "surprise"!
Please check the English for Primary Teachers course at Pilgrims website.