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Humanising Language Teaching
Humanising Language Teaching
Humanising Language Teaching
READERS' LETTERS Year 14; Issue 2; April 2012, ISSN 1755-9715

Letter 1

Dear Hania,

Thank you very much for your message and the access to HLT Magazine, February 2012. I have read the information on the Autumn courses but I think I may be too old to take up a course when younger people may be wanting to do it instead. I must also confess that I find I might profit from new contacts and courses especially when I find that the course in English grammar I have been giving to students at the Wszechnica

Polska in Warsaw requires renewal every year mainly methodologically.

I have read one shorter article in the HLT Magazine on Motivation by a Turkish author. This author is right in most of her conclusions but one, for me. I mean that the teacher is to be an entertainer. I have suffered a lot resisting to accept this concept and I have avoided teaching teenagers at secondary school. But I think now that this is a harmful idea: pupils who get used to be entertained grow up thinking that entertaining belongs anywhere, and there has been an upsurge of candidates to the Lithuanian Parliament from among dancers and singers when their predecessors have failed dismally in such posts. But I have read also today in the Teaching English (British Council/BBC) that a turn to a serious work with texts is a good turn in teaching because "language learning is learning language, not just doing fun things with it".

Please forgive these detailed impressions. I have been a loyal supporter of the local classicists who have been campaigning to restore the classical discipline in language studies. The article in question only activated my response.

Thanking you again for your message and the encouragement,

With kind regards,
Marija Liudvika

Letter 2

Dear Colleagues and friends:

My 7th book has just been sent to the printing presses. “China: Current Thinking of Tomorrow’s Leaders.”

“China’s annual 5 + million university graduates are the elite of Chinese society. They are the future leaders, be they community, economic, industrial, political, religious, or social; they are the privileged class who have been educated for future leadership roles. Common Chinese people look up to them and follow them because they are the anointed. A look into their psyche now may be a window into the future of China. What they think and feel as students will undoubtedly carry over into and shape their adult attitudes and thoughts.

Post-graduate students at a 1st tier comprehensive university in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province and a 2nd tier science and technology university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province were given various topics of current importance and afforded an opportunity to express their thoughts on the issues presented. Participation was voluntary.

Herein, we present the issues and a random selection of the students’ responses. All of the students’ responses can be viewed at” The hardback version will sell for US $66.79

However, I have decided to provide you with a free electronic pdf version, along with an initial draft dust cover that has subsequently been edited to conform the title to the book text. Warm regards,

Martin Wolff, J.D.
China Foreign Expert
Mobile: 18246085172

Letter 3

Dear colleague,

  1. Have you visited the Disabled Access Friendly campaign’s new website, which is updated regularly and provides free online English teaching material? This material builds EFL skills and offers exam practice, but at the same time gives information on mobility disability, so students can:
    • Become more sensitive, understanding and supportive.
    • Project themselves into someone else's position.
    • Initiate changes for the better.
  2. You can help spread the word about the Disabled Access Friendly campaign and show that you support our aims by displaying our new poster. You can download it here for free.
  3. Disabled Access Friendly has gone international and so we have removed our old Facebook group (“Greek Disabled Access Friendly") and replaced it with a new page called " Disabled Access Friendly" Please connect to our campaign by LIKING us (you need to" like" the new page even if you were a friend in the past in order to join).
  4. Our campaign will be at the following events. Hope to see you!

The 9th ELT “Liberating the Learner” conference, March 3rd 2012, Izmir, Turkey.

TESOL-SPAIN 35th Annual National Convention, March 9th-11th 2012. Bilbao, Spain.

TESOL Macedonia-Thrace, N. Greece, 19th Annual International Convention, 10th-11th March 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.

29th Athens International Publishers Exhibition, 17th-18th March 2012, Athens, Greece.

33rd Annual TESOL Greece International Convention, 17th-18th March 2012, Athens, Greece.

46th IATEFL Annual Conference and Exhibition, 19th-23rd March 2012, Glasgow, Scotland.

29th Thessaloniki International Publishers Exhibition, 31st March-1st April 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.

10th ELTA IATEFL 2012 Conference, 18th-19th May 2012, Belgrade, Serbia.

“The best schools and teachers have always done more than just prepare students for tests. They raise awareness of the world in which we live and try to make it a better place".

The Disabled Access Friendly team

Letter 4

Dear Hania,

We really appreciate your consistent support of our campaign. Thank you so much. I am sure the visibility you have given us has contributed significantly to the fact that we are getting such tremendous response from all over the world.(…)

We have extremely positive feedback from teachers who are using our material in class to raise awareness about mobility disability. Perhaps we could submit a report written by a teacher of English in Greece, who developed a project for young learners around our material, for consideration for publication in a future edition of the HLT magazine, or a more academic article talking about the power of impact when raising awareness about social issues in the EFL classroom. I would be pleased to hear your comments on these suggestions.

Kind regards
Katie Quartano
Disabled Access Friendly


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