To allow you to choose how to view the articles, we have prepared them in two formats.
The first format allows you to view the articles online as web pages. The second format (rich text format) allows you to download and
save the articles to your computer and then view them with your own word processor.
1. Can You Outsmart Your Smarts?
Eva Trumpešová-Rudolfová, Czech Republic
2. Flying Eggs
Libor Štěpánek, Czech Republic
3. Photo Law Stories: Civil and Criminal Procedure Vocabulary Practice
Štěpánka Bilová, Radmila Doupovcová and Barbora Chovancová, Czech Republic
4. Animalising Language Teaching
Jitka Žváčková, Czech Republic
5. Getting Everyone´s Feet Wet in an ESP/EAP Course
Radomíra Bednářová and Jana Kubrická, Czech Republic
6. Series of Micro-tasks Leading to a Successful Academic Presentation and Formal Summary
Hana Katrňáková, Czech Republic