1. Using Rembrandt Self-portraits ( secondary and adult)
Herbert Puchta, Austria
Preparation: Have ready copies of a self portrait of Rembrandt as a young man
and a self portrait of Rembrandt as an old man. You need to be able to
give one of each to each pair of students.
- Pair the students and give each a copy of each portrait.
- Tell the students to decide who, in each pair, should role-play
the young Rembrandt. This student sits with the portrait in front of her
and answers the questions her partner asks her.
- After a 10 minute roleplay the questioner assumes the role of the
old Rembrandt, while the other becomes the interviewer.
- Ask each student in the pair to roleplay the Rembrandt she has not
yet been.
The two Rembrandts now have a conversation.
2. From Declarative to Interrogative to Negative
(secondary and adult)
Mario Rinvolucri. UK
Preparation: re-write part of the coursebook reading passage in this way:
all declarative sentences become interrogative
all interrogative sentences become negative
all negative sentences become declarative
- Give the re-written passage to the class and ask them to re-write it this way:
all interrogative sentences become declarative
all negative sentences become interrogative
all declarative sentences become negative
Put the rules up on the board. Tell them to keep their coursebooks shut.
- Group the students in threes to check their re-writes.
- Ask them to check with the book.
3. New Versions of "Simon says"
(primary, secondary, adult)
Isobel Williams, Germany
- Get the students all up on their feet.
- Explain that you are going to give them some physical orders. They only obey you
when the order ends in PLEASE
One step forward, please ( anybody who does not obey is out of the game)
Step back! ( anyone who does obey is out )
There are many other versions of the Simon says game.
When you say to the class : Simon says…. they obey you
" " " " " " Slow says…… they obey you but very slowly
" " " " " " Quick says ……… they obey you very fast
" " " " " " Inside-out says…….. they do the opposite action
When you give a straight order, they do nothing.
( editorial note: I feel elated when someone comes up with a powerful variation and enrichment of game I have dumbly felt is fixed for ever, like Simon says….)