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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 4; Issue 2; March 02

Book Preview

Animal Quiz

By Herbert Puchta and Mario Rinvolucri

Level :
intermediate to advanced

5 minutes in first lesson
l0-l5 minutes in second lesson

Language focus:
Crossword -style intensive reading spelling homophones and homonyms

Copy one questionnaire per student

In Lesson 1

Write up this question on the board:

    Which European country has a name very similar to the word for a large sea animal?

Give the students a moment to puzzle it out and then draw a map of UK. This should help them to get " Wales " ( whales)
Give them the questionnaire for homework and suggest they get help from relatives with some English, if they have any. They may want to ring up classmates.

In Lesson 2

Find out which questions they could answer and which foxed them. Give them any answers they did not get.

Animal Questionnaire

  1. Something is expensive, you love some one- which animal do you think of?
  2. Which animal is like you and like a tree in a graveyard?
  3. Which young animal has a name which is also part of the human leg?
  4. Which town leader is like a female animal?
  5. There is a verb, which means to "sell", which is the same word as the name of a bird pf prey.
  6. Can you think of a word for a woman and for a dog?
  7. This word for a location is also the name of a fish.
  8. Can you think of an American word for an insect that appears in the third month of Spring and that also might express annoyance.
  9. What navigates by sonar and is useful in some ball games?
  10. What big animal tells you the stock market is optimistic?
  11. An idea is unclear to you- you can't understand it- it is beyond you. What animal association do you have?
  12. What furry animal means "naked"?
  13. A rodent for word-processing?
  14. Some one betrays you or lets you down. What animal comes to mind?

Key: 1. deer 2. ewe 3. calf 4.mayor 5. to hawk 6. bitch 7. place/plaice 8.maybug 9. bat l0. bull ll. fox l2. bear/bare l3. mouse l4 rat/to rat on someone

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