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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 5; Issue 2; March 03

Lesson outlines

Tea from China

Before Class: have about a dozen pictures of famous capital cities or be prepared to draw their symbols quickly on the board: postcards are an excellent solution
Aim: introduce chunks at beginners level, use the students' knowledge of the world
Time: 20 minutes


  1. Show pictures of capital cities to the class. They name the countries represented., e.g. France, Brazil, Russia. Teach any names they don't know.

  2. Write on board _______ from __________

  3. Give students a couple of examples e.g., Wine from France, Football from Brazil, Coffee from Brazil, Vodka from Russia

  4. Give students some time to come up with their own for the other countries

  5. Brainstorm and check on board

Variations: Brainstorm different products that sell well in the world, e.g. cars, vodka, coffee, fashion on the blackboard. Write the pattern the best_______ from________ .Students come up with their own chunks and then compare them. Note that there is more than one correct answer.