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The Lexical Approach along with spoken grammar can become, and in some schools has already become, a very important part of mainstream EFL. Raising awareness of chunks through learner training speeds up the learning process, helps towards more natural language use and, last but not least, helps students to perform better in exams. See the article by Hanna Kryszewska in this issue of HLT under Major article, for a more detailed rationale.
There are people, however, who think that chunking is primarily reserved for the higher levels. In this article we would like to share a few tried and tested ideas for chunking with beginners and elementary students. These activities can be used at higher levels as well. They supplement the course book and do not replace your methodology. They are short and sweet.
1. International words
2. One word conversations
3. Chunks in the picture
4. Tea from China
5. Listen for a chunk
6. Get – what does it mean?
7. Student corpus
8. 7-1 Conversation