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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 5; Issue 2; March 03

Short Article

Self- esteem : a matter of everyday doing.

by Juan Uribe, Brasil ( Juan runs a language school for kindergarten aged children)

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We all know that self-esteem is in great part the determining factor of the success a person achieves in life. It sets how we choose our friends, our profession, and the lifestyle we are going to have. But how do we develop it from the early years ?

There are many definitions of what self-estem really is. I found a simple and clear one by Dorothy Briggs: Self-esteem is to feel loved and to feel able. There is a great difference in parents loving their children and their children feeling loved. Children value themselves in the same way that they have been valued by significant people in their lives.

Besides respecting children physically, parents must pay attention to children's feelings. This is an area parents take for granted and believe they are always doing their job. Sentences such as: “Why did I have a child ?” or “I wanted a girl, but a boy came” convey feelings that the child is not loved. Comments such as: ”I love you because you are a great student.” bring conditional love and feelings of insecurity. These children lose ground when they do not go well on a test. They immediately ask themselves”Am I loved now?” . Parents must accept their sons and daughters in the way they are and never use their love as a manipulation tool.

Affirmations made by parents are always taken as the absolute truth by children. Be careful with sentences such as: “My son is good in Math and doesn't have talent for arts” or “You are messy”. Just say “Today your room has many things out of place, I'd like you to have it tidy”. Language has a lot of power !

The self-acceptance and sociability come from the family bond and it is of vital importance that the child can express himself or herself freely. An interesting way to incentivate sharing at meal times is to have every family member saying a good and a bad thing that happened during the day. Unexpected things will come up and members are better able to see themselves. Television should be definitely off.

Children give up when somebody believes they are no longer able to achieve something. Share your dreams and projects. Give chances for children to know different kinds of music, arts, theater, and sports. Parents should show and teach children how to achieve development and goals and celebrate together when a member has conquered an objective.

I believe that teachers and parents can together make a big difference in the shaping of tne personality of our students and children. In one of my meetings with Robert Reasoner, president of the international Council on Self-Esteem, he told me: Juan, self-esteem is not a matter of knowing, it is a matter of doing. And I complete adding: it is a matter of doing everyday.

Here below I have prepared a list of 100 ways that we can show our children that we care. Let's start today !

100 ways to foster high self-esteem

  1. Set rules with them
  2. Be available to meet privately
  3. Brainstorm problems they might have at school and find solutions
  4. Contact students when they miss several days
  5. Contact parents of students who do well
  6. Be clear with expectations
  7. Make it unacceptable to ridicule anybody
  8. Display trust in their work
  9. Have a bulletin board with outstanding work
  10. Acknowledge different cultures in your class
  11. Use different teaching styles
  12. Write positive comments on students' homework
  13. Share likes and dislikes
  14. Give them choice of homework
  15. Look in their eyes
  16. Smile.
  17. Touch them gently in the shoulder
  18. Use cooperative learning
  19. Pay attention to isolates
  20. Research mixed-ability activities
  21. Have special interest groups
  22. Play the body game
  23. Have experts on certain areas
  24. Do something for the community as a group
  25. Help them to set goals
  26. Identify heroes and role models
  27. Display quotes at the front of the room and discuss them
  28. Give objective feedback to students
  29. Help them with time planning
  30. Have a celebration when a major goal has been achieved
  31. Use Brain Gym
  32. Listen. Listen. Listen.
  33. Encourage them to ask mates for help
  34. Ask how they would like to do things
  35. Ask them how they liked activities
  36. Express interest in them as individuals
  37. Seek to understand how they are feeling
  38. Let them know you appreciate their work
  39. Avoid patronizing
  40. Ask them to redo work when it is below what they could have done
  41. Redirect behavior in private
  42. Let them demonstrate their strengths
  43. Talk about the origin of names
  44. Use puppets to redo hard situations that happened in class
  45. Send get better and birthday cards
  46. Develop a mentoring system
  47. Read stories from people who have made it despite difficulties
  48. Have a Special day for every student
  49. Do circle time
  50. Study NLP and teach reframing
  51. Use visualization to see future goals
  52. Develop a class slogan
  53. Use soothing music at the beginning of a class
  54. Let them know what is coming next
  55. Establish routines
  56. Let them evaluate you
  57. Teach social skills
  58. Applause the group
  59. Develop traditions
  60. Ask
  61. Let them show their feelings
  62. Never ever label
  63. Set limits that protect them
  64. Give them undivided attention
  65. Share their discoveries
  66. Let them teach you something
  67. Contribute to their collections
  68. Tell them jokes to relax after hard moments
  69. Apologize when wrong
  70. Thank
  71. Get to know their families
  72. Tell them how proud you are
  73. Let them commit mistakes
  74. Inspire them
  75. Build something together
  76. Be spontaneous
  77. Expect the best, not perfection
  78. Hide a surprise
  79. Accept them as they are
  80. Dream with them
  81. Praise more
  82. Criticize less
  83. Be flexible
  84. Be curious towards their attitudes
  85. Play with them
  86. Ask for their opinions
  87. Have a feelings chart
  88. Use psychodrama
  89. Talk to them at their height
  90. Pay special attention to some students in days that are hard for them
  91. Be honest
  92. Work on your self-esteem
  93. Keep your promises
  94. Give them unconditional love
  95. Tell them you have missed them during holidays
  96. Ask for help
  97. Be silly together
  98. Tolerate their interruptions
  99. Make decisions together
  100. Celebrate success together !!!
My e-mail is juanuribe@ig.com.br Feel free to e-mail me if you have any doubts of if you would like extra help.

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