Personalising Dictionary Searches
secondary and adult
Mario Rinvolucri, Pilgrims, UK
Level: upper intermediate to advanced
Preparation: ensure that each position in your computer lab has a copy of a good modern electronic dictionary, which allows students to search for words by endings as well as beginnings, so a student can find words that end in -less,- hood ,head
as well as words that start with um, non, pro.
Decide which prefixes and suffixes/endings you want your students to focus on.
In class:
- Ask each student to make a list of four people they know well and like and
two people they know well and dislike.
- Give them a couple of word beginnings and word endings to do dictionary
searches on.
Their task is to find words that, in some way, connect to one or other of the
six people on their list. Eg: in a search for the suffix dom a particular student comes up with the words boredom and serfdom. She writes these two words down next to the name of her friend Penelope as they describe what Penelope
feels about her part-time waitressing job.
- Ask the students come up with around six words per person on their lists
- Group them in fours to describe the listed people in terms of the ideas found
during the dictionary search.
Comment: we need a lot more exercises like the above that help us to use the
new linguistic technology offered by the corpus lexicographers in person-relevant ways.