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Humanising Language Teaching
Year 5; Issue 3; May 03

Lesson outlines

The Tropical Forest

secondary and adult

Miranda Friel, Spain

  1. Go to www.ran.org and read some information about rainforests

    1. The destruction of the rainforests is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Even though we live far away from them and most of us have never visited them, many of us contribute to their destruction through our buying habits. To what point do you feel a personal responsibility to preserve our rainforests? or do you feel it is an issue that does not affect you in any way?

    2. Brainstorm as many ways as you can think of whereby individuals can contribute to the preservation of our rainforests. You can check your answers in www.ran.org

  3. TASK:

    Boise Cascade is logging and selling wood and paper products from some of the world's rarest and most endangered old growth forests. For example, Boise Cascade sells wood products that come from the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia and the Amazon. Write to Boise Cascade and ask them to stop destroying old growth forests around the world.

    Write to:
    George Harad, Chairman & CEO
    Boise Cascade Corporation
    1111 W. Jefferson St.
    PO Box 50
    Boise, ID 83728