To allow you to choose how to view the articles, we have prepared them in two formats.
The first format allows you to view the articles online as web pages. The second format (rich text format) allows you to download and
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1. Ploys to Play
Mónica Valicenti and María Laura Conte, Argentina
2. Phone Call to America: Use of Mobile Phone to Strengthen Motivation and Promote
Interaction in the English Language Classroom. Daniel Martín del Otero, Spain
3. Visual Aid for the Teacher
Janina Zawadzka, Poland
4. A Which Side Are You On?
Alice Svendson, Japan
5. The Heart of the Matter : Teacher Profile No. 3
Anne Hayashi, Lou Spaventa, the USA
6. A Tale of Many Journeys The Teacher As Train Manager: Attempting to deal with classes which change all the time
John Feakings, the UK
7.Good Lord! Has It Really Been Twenty Years ???
Tessa Woodward, UK
8. What do Sanctions and Bombing have to do with English Coursebooks?
Jelena Kovacevic