[Editorial note: below you will find two quite different types of "review". The first one is a peer review while the second is the full introduction to the book, written by the authors.
Do you prefer author review or peer review? As a language teacher, what value do you give to self-validation and self-correction versus peer validation and peer-correction. Please write your views to us here at HLT.]
1. Unlocking Self-expression through NLP
Judy Baker, Mario Rinvolucri, Delta Books, 2005
Upper secondary and adult
Reviewed by Sally Bosworth Gerome, France
2. Multiple Intelligences in EFL Exercises for secondary and adult students
Herbert Puchta, Mario Rinvolucri, Helbling Languages,
3. Challenging children Imaginative activities for English lessons in Primary Education
Henk van Oort, Netherlands - author review