To allow you to choose how to view the articles, we have prepared them in two formats.
The first format allows you to view the articles online as web pages. The second format (rich text format) allows you to download and
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1. Some central principles of humanistic education
Simon Marshall, Director of Studies, Pilgrims Teacher
Training Division, UK
2. The depressed Language Teacherr
Terri Ozaki Edwards, Mario Rinvolucri, UK
3. The heart of the matter: Teacher profile 2; Santiago Jacksson,
Lou Spaventa, Santa Barbara, USA
4. In defence of student autonomy
Andrew Arlidge, China , New Zealand
5. The post modern Italian family or the reality changes but the word stays the same
Flavia Laviosa, Wellesley College, USA
6. The good, the bad and the Powerpoint
Richard Cooper, London, UK
7. From school failure to life-success in learning a second
Interview with a UK design technology teacher
8. How students correct themselves
How students correct themselves
9. Being in full control of my learning
An adventure in Australian Sign Language
Jane Arnold, University of Seville, Spain
10. Using Art to evaluate language
Secondary adult
Laura Laurentiu Timisoara, Romania 'Nikolaus Lenau' Highschool
11. Translation and Humanistic Language Teaching
James W. Porcaro, Toyama University of International Studies, Japan