HLT: |
Where are you from, Manfred? |
Manfred: |
I'm from Germany, Stuttgart, and I work in the Secondary sector. |
HLT: |
What course are you on? |
Manfred: |
Transactional Analysis. |
HLT: |
Enjoying it? |
Manfred: |
Oh yes, very much. |
HLT: |
When's the first time you came to Pilgrims? |
Manfred: |
In 1982, I did an EfT course with John Morgan. I remember I was expecting to do lots of grammar, but it wasn't anything like that at all, and I was a little disappointed while I was still here. But when I went back home, I noticed I'd learned an enormous amount: all of a sudden I was more confident, more creative, both as a teacher and as a person. |
HLT: |
How did you first find out about Pilgrims? |
Manfred: |
I was reading my local Sunday paper, Sontag Aktuel, a very tiny paper, I saw a Pilgrims ad in the travel section, so I inquired and that was the beginning of a great adventure. |
HLT: |
What did you like about that first course? |
Manfred: |
I liked the international crowd, there were people from Italy, France, all over, I remember watching the World Cup final with other fellow Germans (we lost). |
HLT: |
You've been back 15 times, that's a lot: what makes you come back? |
Manfred: |
I find this place very relaxing, I like being a student, I like having my own room, it's a beautiful place and I love meeting other colleagues. Courses here have had a huge impact on me as a teacher first, in terms of raising my awareness of language issues, for instance. I also feel I understand my students better as human beings, I've learned to accept them as they are. So I became addicted! |
HLT: |
Would you single out one course in particular as being a major breakthrough? |
Manfred: |
I think a course I took in 1994, the Teacher as Learner. It was a small group, only 6 I think, the course made me think about myself a lot and made me change so many things. I'm still in touch with some of the people on that course, Julia in Madrid for example, and a lady in Sardinia whom I visited shortly after the courses ended. |
HLT: |
How's Pilgrims different today? |
Manfred: |
Well, the choice of courses on offer is much wider. Back in 1982, we only had 2, 3 courses. |
HLT: |
Can I ask you if you pay yourself or if you're here on a grant? |
Manfred: |
I've never actually applied for a grant, because I don't like the paperwork that goes with it. Pilgrims has kindly offered to sponsor my last four courses. |
HLT: |
If you were asked to sum up Pilgrims in just a few words, what would you say? |
Manfred: |
Humanistic, feeling of freedom, no stress. Everyone is accepted as a person, for what they are. |
HLT: |
How's the crowd changed? Do you notice any differences? |
Manfred: |
It seems to me the participants' average age is older, but can't see other differences. |
HLT: |
Do you recall any funny episodes? |
Manfred: |
My second time here we had to rehearse for a play and perform on the last day of the course. That was a lot of fun. |
HLT: |
Has any of the courses you've been on failed to meet your expectations? |
Manfred: |
Not really, but I remember I was on an IT course in 1999 or 2000 and many people weren't happy about it, so we got a letter of apology from Pilgrims offering a discount on future courses, which was nice. |
HLT: |
Manfred, as I talk with you, I have a feeling you're totally relaxed here, almost as this place feels like home? |
Manfred: |
It does feel like home and I see myself coming again in the future. |
HLT: |
Really? |
Manfred: |
Absolutely. Maybe not next year, but the year after. |
HLT: |
Do you know what course you would like to do next? |
Manfred: |
Not yet, ask me again next year! |
HLT: |
Thank you for your time Manfred. |
Manfred: |
My pleasure. |