Letter 1
Dear Hania
I do not agree with Nathan Brace in May's Readers Letters that Michael Berman's article 'What is Shamanic Counselling and How Much is it Worth?' was inappropriate and irrelevant.
It seems to me that Michael was making a very pertinent point about commercialism and integrity in our profession by comparing training courses for Shamanic Counselling with ELT, which similarly promotes practitioners as 'experts', often charging high fees despite rudimentary training. If anything the messy world of ELT qualifications is getting even more confusing with the plethora of internet/on-line courses promising certification. Ultimately, as Michael argues, it's more about conscience and commitment to a profession than letters to your name but outsiders are right to be cynical about what they see as an unregulated and unaccountable industry.
Personally, I appreciate people like Michael putting ELT into a wider focus because it does lead to more questioning and debate of the deeper issues in the field.
Wayne Rimmer et al.
International House Moscow
Letter 2
The new issue of HLT looks interesting as always and I'll settle down to
read it when I get home from work this evening
Keep up the good work
Best wishes
Letter 3
Congratulations on July issue of HLT mag
Most interesting for a long time.
Wide variety of issues covered.
Don't know when I'll get time to read it all!
Glenn Hubbard