Blagues du Jour
These one-liners are translated from the French site Blagues du Jour.
The site runs a page of "pearls" produced by school kids in their written work:
A polygon is a geometrical figure with sides all over the place
To calculate the surface area you multiple the middle by its centre
This shape is called a trapeze 'cos you could hang somebody up on it
A triangle is square with only three sides.
Cellular tissue is the tissue that prisoners make in their cells
To produce eggs the hen needs to be fermented by a cock.
Rabbits seem to reproduce at the speed of sound
When a woman's periods stop we call it "mesopotamia".
Ambidextrous people have ten fingers on each hand.
The artichoke has leaves and tufts of hair in its bottom.
Open heart surgery is when you open the chest from head to foot.
A plane goes through the sound barrier when its back end goes faster than the front end.
We call men who live with several women polygons.
Please check the Fun, Laughter and Learning course at Pilgrims website.
Please check the English for Teachers course at Pilgrims website.