Paul Bress, UK
See that dot?
That's you, that is.
That dot starts
On a particular day, a particular month, a particular year.
And that dot ends
On a particular day, a particular month, a particular year.
There are dots all over the place
Some you may even see
Cos you happen to be alive
At the same time
But other dots
End before you start
Or start after you've ended
You'll never see these dots
'cept on a screen
Or in your mind
It's not much of a life, being a dot
So better make the most of it
Be as dotty as you can
Feel what it's like to be a dot
Accept the bits you don't like so much
Enjoy the bits you prefer
Cos tho that dot will end some time
You don't know when
Your last day as a dot
Will be