To allow you to choose how to view the articles, we have prepared them in two formats.
The first format allows you to view the articles online as web pages. The second format (rich text format) allows you to download and
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1. The Implementation of Multimedia and Hypermedia in Foreign Language Teaching
Alica Harajová, Slovakia
2. Project-based Learning as CLIL Approach to Teaching Language
Liubov Desiatova, the Russian Federation
3. Teaching Listening Comprehension - Where is the Problem?
Eva Homolová, Slovakia
4. Teaching English to Pupils Affected by a ‘Pervasive Developmental Disorder’
Anna Maria Aiazzi, Italy
5. Teaching at a Monastery in Tibet
Sezgi Yalin, North Cyprus
6. My Encounters with Classrooms and Students and My Teaching Endeavours: A Sentimantal Look Back on How It All Started
Milenko Pecanac, Serbia
7. Look into My Eyes
Tandy Taylor
8. IATEFL Conferences and Rural Teachers
Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistan
9. Bingo Game and Poem-based Teaching of Chinese as L2
Yu-Hsiu Lee, Taiwan
10. Off the Beaten Path: Oblique Strategies
Hall Houston, Hong Kong