The Guardian Weekly Project
Jamie Keddie, Spain
Jamie Keddie is a teacher, teacher-trainer and writer. He runs, a site dedicated to the possibilities for online video-sharing in the classroom. He is the author of Images in the Resource Books for Teachers series published by Oxford University Press, which is to come out later this year. He blogs at E-mail:
Dear Hania
Just wanted to tell you about a project that I have been working on with the Guardian Weekly website. The idea is that English teachers can use the new Guardian Weekly Global Network to:
- share teaching ideas,
- give students the chance of having their work published online at the Guardian Weekly website,
- allow learners of English to locate and communicate with other learners in specific parts of the world.
The full article ‘Turn your students into web writers’ can be seen at the Guardian Weekly Learning English site:
The project is in its very early stages of development and the next step is to get examples of student texts, articles and reports up onto the Guardian Weekly website. Perhaps readers to HLT would be interested?
Hope you are well