Dear HLT Readers
Welcome to the February issue of HLT. First, I would like to share with you some important news regarding the new rules for applying for EU grants to come to Pilgrims. In Pilgrims News you can read about the new action called Erasmus+, including information on who is eligible for a grant, the nature of the changes compared to the previous actions, the deadline and other essential information which will make your application easy and effective. We all hope to welcome you at Pilgrims in Canterbury.
Also, if you are not on the HLT free mailing list, please join it now. We will be able to send you an e-mail any time a new issue is out. Occasionally we will send you information about scholarships, grants, Pilgrims events and courses which might be of interest to you. Note you can also refer the page to a friend.

The MATSDA/University of Liverpool 2014 Conference
SLA and Materials Development
June 28th-29th, 2014 at the University of Liverpool
Plenary Speakers: Rod Bolitho Rod Ellis Pauline Foster Alison Mackey Alan Maley Hitomi Masuhara Brian Tomlinson
Venue: University of Liverpool. Rooms to be announced.
Registration: 08.30 on June 28th and 29th
Conference: 09.00-17.30 on June 28th; 09.00-16.30 on June 29th
Fees (to include lunch and coffee)
Students: £90 (£50 for one day), MATSDA members: £120 (£70 for one day)
Non-members: £145 (£85 for one day)
MATSDA Membership: Contact Susie Pearson at
Booking, Accommodation Enquiries and Payment
Contact Filomena Saltao ; Tel - (44) 0151 7953129
Offers of Papers
To offer a paper for a forty five minute presentation contact:
Brian Tomlinson /
The last issue, December 2013, was devoted to the Lexical Approach. There was some very positive feedback on the issue. You can read some of the voices in the Readers Letters section. You can also read comments or express your views on TeachingEnglish Facebook page at
I am also very happy to announce that for a while the Corpora Ideas section will be hosted by Manjula Duraiswamy from India. Her first contribution is called A Model of Second Language Acquisition Based on Chunks.
This February 2014 issue has no one leading theme but there is a major contribution I would like to highlight first. In the article Earl Stevick (1923-2013), twelve well known ELT personalities remember Earl Stevick, and analyse his unique contribution to our thinking about teaching. Some of them are short personal texts, some like The continuing relevance of Earl Stevick’s seven learning categories by Adam Simpson are a major article in themselves.
Meaningful Action. Earl Stevick’s influence on language teaching, a book edited by J. Arnold and T. Murphy (Cambridge University Press, 2013) is an example and tribute to Stevick’s influence. You can read a review of the book in Short Book Reviews, and personal tributes by A. Maley and T. Murphey taken from the book in the article Earl Stevick.
Earl Stevick’s ideas on classroom interaction and motivation are reflected in the following articles: Empowerment in the Classroom: Enabling Students to Maintain Motivation by Alice Svendson, The Autonomous Language Learner at Work by Feride Hekimgil, and The Challenge of Motivating Japanese Students to Express Themselves Unreservedly in English Communication by Shigetoshi Mori; and his ideas on creativity in Assessing English Language Teacher’s Creativity Quotient by Albert P’Rayan.
23 - 25 MAY 2014
This is an international conference organized jointly by IATEFL's Young Learners and Teenagers Special Interest Group (YLT SIG) and CyTEA (Cyprus Teachers of English Association).
The conference focuses on early language learning and explores the perspectives and experiences of teaching languages to very young learners of 2 to 6 years of age around the world. Plenary speakers include:
Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh
Caroline Linse, Queens University Belfast
Carol Read, Macmillan Education
Sandie Mourao, YLT SIG
Alec Williams, storyteller
Very best wishes
Conference organizing committee
A number of articles in this issue are devoted to testing and feedback: Teachers’ Feedback on EFL Students’ Writings: A Linguistic or Life Syllabus Perspective by Reza Pishghadam, Reza Zabihi and Momene Ghadiri, Balancing Act: Helping English Language Learners Navigate the World of Standardized Tests and Academic Language. A Case Study by Stephanie Gugliemo Lynch, Effective Use of Multi-faceted Video Feedback for ESL Speech/Presentation Course by Tom Wilhelm, and Building Rapport with Weaker Learners through Classroom Testing by Ilana Salem.
Some of the contributions deal with language teaching through VAK (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic sensory input): Developing Phonological Awareness in Young Learners, Cindy Chia-Hui Shen, Catering for Learner Differences in ELT: MI, VAK and Other by Carolina Clerici, Fun for Everyone! By Simon Mumford, Art for English Language Learning: Introducing the Work of Japan’s Chihiro Iwasaki by James W. Porcaro, Silverware, Utensils and 40 Prepositions by Aleksandra Zaparucha, and Effective Vocabulary Revision by Weronika Sałandyk.
Those specifically interested in drama in ELT will surely enjoy Reflections on the use of Drama activities and Theatrical Practices in the Classroom, as a Means to Teach and Learn L2 by Natalia Alejandra Sanchez Munoz, and A Series of Worksheets for A Picture by Clive Duncan by Kristina Leitner and Andrew Milne-Skinner. Do not miss the text of the play that goes with the worksheets; you can download it as a separate file.
The next Innovate in ELT Conference here at Canterbury Christ Church University on Saturday, 10 May 2014
The day will be highly practical with some excellent speakers to choose from. The cost includes three workshops, refreshments and lunch as well as some local live music. There will also be a publishers’ stand. A bargain!
I hope you can make it and will pass on details to anyone at your institution who might be interested. Please visit this link to pay and register. You pay online by credit card and complete the Registration Form and email that to me.
I hope this is all clear but please email if you have any questions.
Best wishes
Mark Almond, Senior Lecturer
Department of English and Language Studies
Christ Church University, North Holmes Road
Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1QU, UK
Room: Es25 (Erasmus Building)
Tel: +44 (0)1227 782308
My home and research output pages:
As for new publications there is some information the Letters section. Also, in this issue of HLT you can read a number of reviews of new books: Short Book Reviews, Teaching in Pursuit of WOW! by Tim Murphey reviewed by Nick Michelioudakis, Thinking about Language Teaching. Selected articles 1982-2011 by Michael Swan reviewed by Kerry Mullan; and a preview of a new book Storytelling: A Cultural Exchange by Adam Cholong Ohiri Aham and David Heathfield, which is the result of a fruitful encounter at IATEFL 2013 in Liverpool.
Organizer: Bery Group Bulgaria
Dates: 28th – 30th March
17th – 19th October 2014
Place: National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dear Sir or Madam,
We would like to invite your institution to the biggest educational event in Bulgaria - “Education Beyond Borders”. The exhibition will take place in the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.
You can find additional information on the following links:
Media Partners:
I would like kindly to invite your organization in Sofia to our next educational event named “Education Beyond Borders” on the following dates:
- 28th – 30th March 2014
- 17th – 19th October 2014
We would like to inform you that your organization can receive great discount if you make a registration before 23/12/2013.
We can offer you good conditions, both financial and organisational, together with a proper discount. That is why I would like to invite your institution earlier and to inform you in advance about our event. We would like to organize next activities in advance and we would be happy to answer to all your questions.
“Education Beyond Borders” welcomes many participants from all around the world. The exhibition will be useful for universities, colleges, schools and all kind of educational levels. There will be many educational organizations from all around the world – Europe, USA and Canada, Australia and so on.
Your participation would be very useful if your institution offers great Master and MBA programs. We will create special part of “Education Beyond Borders” which will be only for career development. The exhibition in March will be special forum about future opportunities in both sectors – CAREER AND EDUCATION. There will be many employers and educational organizations from all around the world.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at +3592 9888 604 We will be happy to present your programs and to discuss all opportunities and ideas!
Thank you for your attention!
Mrs Vito Zaccagnino Project Assistant
Bery Group Bulgaria
74, Gen. Gurko Str., fl. 1,
1000, Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: 00359 2 9888 604
Fax: 00359 2 950 25 11
If you are planning to attend IATEFL 2014 Conference in Harrogate, look out for the Pilgrims stand where you can meet, look up and chat to many Pilgrims trainers; if you go to the DELTA stand you can find there many books recently written by Pilgrims trainers. If you would like to talk about publishing in HLT please look me up at the Pilgrims stand or just look out for me.
Enjoy this issue
Hania Kryszewska
HLT Editor